Some Dems Wish Hillary Would ‘Just Shut the F*CK Up and Go AWAY

With Hillary Clinton’s return to the national spotlight only days away as she will hit all of the talk shows to promote her delusional account of her election disaster entitled What Happened?, some Democrats aren’t thrilled that she continues to make everything about her.

Excerpts of the book have already stirred up internal squabbles between warring factions of the party as she has gone after crazed old closet commie coot Bernie Sanders,  Joe “Foghorn Leghorn” Biden, and even Dear Leader Barack Obama himself.

The leaderless, rudderless Democrats have spent the time since the election railing about phantom Nazis and braying about a sweeping Russian conspiracy to steal the elections that was such a slick move by Putin, that there is ZERO evidence that it even happened.

In the interim, they turned the leadership of the DNC over to a complete nincompoop in the radical Tom Perez, managed to piss away millions in losing four special elections that were to have been referendums on President Trump and invested immense political capital in the divisive poison of identity politics.

In short, they have enough problems without Hurricane Hillary bearing down on them.

At least one anonymous former member of Team Hillary wants her to just “shut the f*ck up and go away” which is likely a sentiment shared by the majority of Americans by now.


Via The Hill  “Clinton’s score-settling frustrates Democrats”:

Hillary Clinton is settling old scores in a campaign tell-all book — and angering some Democrats in the process.

Excerpts from “What Happened,” the Clinton campaign memoir scheduled to be released next week, find her letting loose on the Democratic Party’s most popular figures and venting frustration with a process that culminated in her shocking election defeat by Donald Trump.

In the book, Clinton says she was put in a “straightjacket” during the primary by former President Obama, who she writes advised her not to attack Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), her rival in the Democratic primary, out of fear it would divide the party ahead of the general election.

Clinton writes that she bristled at former Vice President Joe Biden’s suggestion that she failed to adequately convey the Democratic Party’s commitment to helping the middle class.

And Clinton unloads on Sanders, mocking his policy proposals as pie-in-the-sky fantasies and ripping his supporters on social media — the so-called Bernie bros — as sexist.

Clinton says that Sanders’s attacks did “lasting damage” to her general election hopes. She accuses him of “paving the way” for Trump to cast her as a corrupt corporate stooge deserving of the nickname “Crooked Hillary.”


Not everyone was so charitable. Even some of Clinton’s allies have grown weary of her insistence on re-litigating the 2016 campaign at a time when the Democratic Party is looking to forge a new identity in the age of Trump.

“The best thing she could do is disappear,” said one former Clinton fundraiser and surrogate who played an active role at the convention. “She’s doing harm to all of us because of her own selfishness. Honestly, I wish she’d just shut the f— up and go away.”

Indeed, it’s’ the Hillary Show and as shock rocker Alice Cooper once sang, “Welcome to my Nightmare”. It will never end for the Democrats as long as this relentless political zombie continues to destroy everything in her path.

Donn Marten

Donn Marten is a fearless truth teller who calls it like he sees it despite the prevailing establishment narrative. The opinions expressed belong solely to this author and not do not necessarily reflect those of CDN itself.

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Donn Marten

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