Woman Bullied by Local Officials Over Trump Signs Would Rather Go to JAIL Than Submit

An elderly woman in Maine – which is slowly becoming the California of the Northeast – is facing harassment by local authorities over her hanging of signs supporting President Donald Trump on her property and the situation is coming to a head.

75-year-old Susan Reitman was set upon by the code enforcement goons after complaints were been made over hew two signs that read “I love Trump” and “He Won, Get over it” which she has been are in violation of city ordinances.

Reitman remains defiant despite being threatened with $100-$1,000 a day but says that she would sooner spend “the rest of eternity” in jail than be bullied into taking down signs showing her support of the President.

Via the Portland Press Herald “Rockland woman vows she’d rather go to jail than take down pro-Trump signs”:

A 75-year-old Rockland woman says she would rather go to jail than follow a city directive to remove signs supporting President Trump.

Susan Reitman has been directed to remove the pro-Trump signs because they exceed the size of signs allowed on residential properties, Rockland Assistant Code Enforcement Officer William Butler said.

He said the directive has nothing to do with the signs’ content.

“I admire your passion for our president. Truly, I do,” Butler said in a Monday email to Reitman. “However, we have received a complaint and I have to do my due diligence and I have determined your signs are not in compliance with the Rockland Code.

“It is your business what you put on the signs. It is the city’s business regarding the size and number of signs.”

There was no threat of jail mentioned in the email and the city would first need to file a land-use complaint in court. Jail would be a risk only if a judge ordered the removal of the signs and Reitman refused to follow the court order.

She said the assistant code officer had been on her property earlier this month about a request she had to add a fence and she was not told the signs were in violation at that time.

Butler said he received an email complaint from a resident and that he was obligated to respond. He declined to release the name of the complainant, but said the identity would be released if a formal Freedom of Access Act request was made. The Courier-Gazette filed such a request Monday.

Reitman said she would not remove the signs, despite the warning from the city.

“They can put me in jail. I won’t take them down,” she said.


The city ordinance carries a potential penalty of between $100 and $1,000 per day for violations.

Reitman said she also will refuse to pay any fine and that the city can place liens on her property if it wants to. She said she is living on a fixed income.

“I have the right to support our president. This is about freedom of speech,” she said.

Rockland, which had a population of 7,179 in 2016 according to the U.S. Census, has 1,798 registered Democrats and 1,223 registered Republicans. Hillary Clinton won the city’s presidential vote in November, 58 percent to 35 percent for Donald Trump. Both of the state legislators representing the city, one in the House and one in the Senate, are Democrats.

Considering that the city went overwhelmingly for Hillary in the election, it’s pretty safe to assume that those bitching about Reitman’s signs are still sore over Trump’s win and are resorting to fascistic tactics to deprive this patriotic woman of her right to free speech and expression.

Could Trump signs become the new Confederate flags and be declared to be symbols of racism?

That seems to be that way that things are going with a seditious and radicalized left that refuses to honor the legitimate results of an election.

Donn Marten

Donn Marten is a fearless truth teller who calls it like he sees it despite the prevailing establishment narrative. The opinions expressed belong solely to this author and not do not necessarily reflect those of CDN itself.

Published by
Donn Marten

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