As Americans Hit the Road for Memorial Day driving their own cars, voters surveyed in four states have serious safety and privacy concerns when it comes to driverless car technologies like those being researched by Tesla, Ford and other manufacturers. Consumer want Congress to apply the brakes to robot car technology until it is proven safe, according to a public opinion poll conducted for Consumer Watchdog released today.
The poll, conducted for the nonprofit, nonpartisan public interest group by Public Policy Polling found overall that just 16% of voters in California, Florida, Michigan, and South Dakota say they would ride in a driverless car if it were available, compared to 74% who say they would not. 75% of voters say Congress should apply the brakes to driverless car technology until the technology is proven safe, compared to only 15% who think more driverless cars are needed on the roads.
The four states polled cover the political, demographic, and geographical spectrum, with varying concentrations of cars and auto industry jobs, Consumer Watchdog said. The states are also the home states of Senate leaders from both parties who are pivotal in the ongoing debate about driverless car legislation.
“Congress has been listening to the self-serving claims of the robot car manufactures. Instead, our representatives should be listening to the people, who understand this technology is not ready to deploy and must be carefully regulated to protect safety,” said John M. Simpson, Consumer Watchdog’s Privacy and Technology Project Director. “The Senate needs to put on the brakes and not hit the accelerator pedal on the sadly inadequate AV START Act.”
Other key findings from the survey include:
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