Spending a day with your friends or fishing expert uncle, or your family is the same as tickling in heart and life that unconditionally brings joy. It unclogs your mind, body, and soul when you spend the whole day at the beach, ending it with fish and sunset light in your basket.
Hopefully, you have landed to this article as you have decided to learn the basics steps of fishing. Do learn the basics of fishing through knowledge shared on websites like tackle.org – Tackle Junkie.
So, let’s take a halt at the intro of the article and take a deep dive in the basics:
Get set with your gears – You want to go fishing? How will you do fishing? The answer is – when you have the equipment for fishing. Get a tackle box (you will find this answer easily on google or from your experienced fishing friend). Spend a few bucks in getting a fishing line with bobbers, sinkers and relevant size hooks.
As a beginner, it is always preferred to buy spin cast rod over bait cast rod.
Gather bait: If you have enough bucks to spend, go to the bait shop and get some best ones. Otherwise, grab a few crickets and worms, roaming in your backyard and collect them in a live bait box or container. Add some cheese and bread along, and you are ready with the fooling food for your target guest, i.e., fish.
Prepare your rod and reel: You need to string your reel to the rod and add a fishing line to it. As a general rule, the line should be of equivalent length to the rod. Ensure that you tie it well enough with a knot that it doesn’t open up. If you fail to do so, your upcoming fishing session may end before it kicks-off. Try a Palomar knot for the best result. A part of this step is getting a hook of relevant size and put a Palomar knot.
Step out for a fishing spot–Now that you are all set with your gears and devices; make a place for yourself at a fishing spot. It should be a spot that’s a bit rocky or having a dead wood. Once, you have the spot, add bobber to your line and put the setup in water and hold your breath until the bobber settles on the water surface. Make sure to add the bait on the hook.
Play the Patience game: Your next task is to learn the art of Patience. Fishing is all about patience. Be patient and wait for the fish, when the bobber gets pushed in the water and get submerged, there you go. You have the first fish. Jerk the hook a little and keep swinging the setup and fish.
Be careful to get the fish out of the hook, learn a little to take out the fish. After you succeed to take the fish out, say congratulations to yourself, your first guest has arrived successfully.