
Pegging A Date and Warming Level to Bernie’s 12-Years-To-Doom Prediction

On March 5, 2019, I published an article titled “The Earth Has Only 12 Years Left? Let’s See” in which I expressed doubt as to the validity of the 12-year warning of the earth’s end, which is all the rage in Democrat/Progressive focus groups. Although I was on target with my advice to track the next 11 years (the first year is already in progress on Bernie Sanders’ 12-year warning) and see if the earth actually does warm up incrementally, as each of the years passes us by, I failed to consider the actual level of warming Bernie and AOC are referring to with their 12-year heads up.

Considering that the original warming proponents of the 1970s and 80s told us that the earth would experience a warming of about one or two degrees in the next 50 or 60 years, that’s not much warming to worry about. Plus, it is not politically useful to leftist radicals and provides them no political clout at all. So I assume that Bernie’s and AOC’s new claims, now for only 12 years and not dozens of years into the future, must be anticipating warming to increase much more than the paltry 2 degrees formerly predicted.

So if the old prediction of a 2 degree increase wasn’t powerful enough for the current, lying Democrat politicians, maybe an increase of 50 degrees by 2030 would be a good number to shoot at, since no respectable Democrat politician will commit to a number.

In the Midwest, where I live, a 50 degree increase by 2030 would make the months of July and August weigh in at about 150 degrees on the hottest days. That’s plenty warm, but it’s livable if the Green New Deal permits us to keep our air conditioners, which it won‘t. It’s also very unlikely to happen, based on any warming that’s occurred in the last 20 or 30 years.

So an increase of 50 degrees in 12 years means an annual increase of about 4 degrees from 2018 to 2030. Since we’re in the first of these 12 years, can anyone say that the temperature at their hometown has gotten hotter so far? It hasn’t as far as I can determine. In the Midwest I haven’t seen the range of temperature changing much during this first lapsed year. During the summer of this year (2019 will begin the second year of Bernie’s 12-year promise of destruction) I’m anxious to see if temperatures of 105 to 109 degrees actually happens. But since there has been no noticeable increase of temperature during year one, I believe old Bernie is just being political with his scare tactics, and I’ll bet we also will not see any increase in temperature during year number two, either. One wonders if Bernie’s followers will ever be able to see the insult to their intelligence with the warming/change claims.

If we are to take Bernie and AOC at their literal word about continued warming and devastating weather, we must assume that this warming has been going on for many years as the warming alarmists claim, and it makes one wonder if every year since 2000 as an example, has seen the temperature increased by the estimated 4 degrees? If that were the case then temperatures today in 2019, would have to be 76 degrees hotter, every day, following the 2000 start date. And this proves the lie of the warming advocates’ alarming claims. Because in the Midwest in March when the temperature may reach a maximum of 40 or 50 degrees, the 76 degree increase in temperature would push the temperature to 120 degrees, and this sort of temperature increase has definitely not happened. We are being lied to by these charlatans.

One must be careful when dealing with the inventive and lying Democrats, though. Maybe Bernie means that in the year 2030, all of a sudden the temperature will increase by his imaginary 50 degrees and will shoot to 150 degrees. Also one must consider that the Democrats will change their tune on a dime, as they did when they went from calling it “Global Warming” and switched to the phrase “Climate Change” because the lack of increasing temperature was undermining their whole raison d’etre.

So if Democrats are speaking about climate/weather and not exclusively about higher temperatures, then I’d like everyone to notice that the Midwest is famous for its tornados. The Kansas City area had a bad tornado hit in the late 1950s, and Joplin, MO was devastated in 2011, but neither city has seen any more damage from tornados since those two dates. So if Democrats tell us that the subject is climate change/weather, and not the actual increase of temperature, then why is 2030 such a threat to us if the last 8 years has not produced another tornado as destructive as the one in 2011 was for Joplin? If temperatures are not rising as sharply as the 50 degrees I’m assuming for 2030, then how can weather get worse if the temperature does not increase significantly at the same time? Supposedly the use of carbon products is causing temperatures to rise and weather to be more violent, so I’m betting that Bernie and his radical pals cannot explain what’s wrong with my 50 degree assumption for the year 2030, because every American is still driving their cars and keeping their home thermostats at a comfortable setting, which means we are continuing our use of carbon products, and temperatures remain stable these last many years.

What if the old, less sophisticated Democrats of 1975, when all of this bluster about the destruction of the earth began, had told us that the temperature of the world was increasing by 5 degrees a year because of there being too many cars, too many air conditioners, too many cows releasing gases, all of which claims are being made by today’s Democrats? If that was what they said back in the 1980s and 90s, the current temperature of the world, now 40 years later, would have increased by over 200 degrees. And although I’ll admit that winters are not as cold as they once were (but summers are still just as warm, although not any warmer than they were 40 years ago), I’m not aware of July and August in Missouri being anywhere near in excess of 100 degrees for more than a day or two at a time.

But by using the assumed 50 degree increase in temperature by 2030, and we must assume another 50 degrees increase 12 years after that, and each 12 year interval following those 12 years, we’ll still be nearing 200 degrees by 2050, per the predictions of Bernie Sanders, which is a complete crock of leftist crap.

So let’s track the weather and temperature predictions of Bernie and his leftist pals, starting with Summer this year, and, after two years into the 12-years-to-doom he’s predicted, see if we come even close to the 4 to 8 degree temperature increase that should be happening this summer if the lying Democrats are accurate with this global destruction thing.

Dave King

Retired AT&T supervisor.

Published by
Dave King

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