
Actor, politician want-a-be, malignant narcissist, Alec Baldwin lectures on morality?

“Trump supporters are responsible for the near moral collapse of this country!”

They are? Actor, and paragon of virtue, Alec Baldwin has proclaimed it so. Yes, Alec reached way down into his sweat pants hidden pocket to pull out his moral compass and started hash-tagging on twitter a series of reprimands specific to castigating those who dare to support the President.

Alex would ask that you genuflect before scanning his latest musings –

https://twitter.com/ABFalecbaldwin/status/1216734160292843520?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener noreferrer

https://twitter.com/ABFalecbaldwin/status/1216758130559852545?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener noreferrer

https://twitter.com/ABFalecbaldwin/status/1216736180852723712?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener noreferrer

https://twitter.com/ABFalecbaldwin/status/1216736726397464582?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener noreferrer
Alec, belongs to that, oh so exalted, Coastal Elite Crew( CEC) who knows what is best for all of us. You know who “us ” are right? We are Middle America, Flyover country peeps. We are “ bitter and cling to our guns and religion.” We are racist, bigoted, sexist, uneducated and wholly ignorant. Oh, and generally evil and spiteful as we set out to destroy the country, by exercising our constitutional right to vote.

As a member of the CEC, Baldwin became the spokesperson for liberal hypocrisy while seated on Saturday Night Live’s throne line up to mock, degrade, caricature, President Trump. The CEC awarded Baldwin for his buffoonery with an Emmy.

Shall we review this CEC’s Compatriot’s bonafides for lecturing ” us” on morals?

One of his past arrests

Parents are not perfect human beings and do lose their tempers. However, in 2007, the audiotape of Baldwin berating his then 11- year-old daughter Ireland on a voicemail was made public. RFSO will let you decide if this emotionally eviscerating call to a child, placed during a custody battle with his ex-wife Kim Basinger, negates his moral high ground card.

“You have insulted me for the last time … You don’t have the brains or the decency as a human being. I don’t give a damn that you’re 12 years old or 11 years old or that you’re a child, or that your mother is a thoughtless pain in the ass who doesn’t care about what you do, as far as I’m concerned … You’ve made me feel like shit … I’m gonna straighten your ass out when I see you. I’m going to really make sure you get it … I’ll let you know how I really feel about what a thoughtless little pig you are. You are a rude, little pig, okay?”

Oh and the CEC would like you to know that Baldwin may have sounded as if he was bashing a person with a homophobic slur, but it was all just a misunderstanding.

Baldwin, like his other CEC grads, boldly sermonizes, in Public service announcements, testimony before Congress, award show acceptance speeches, and all virtue signaling accepting venues he can wag his finger in our faces. Leftist elites like Baldwin rips on the NRA and gun industry while he and his family navigate this world surrounded by armed, security teams protecting their safety. Flanked by concealed weapons guns, Baldwin the hypocrite promotes an industry product that glorifies gun violence on the screen. The same denial and projection are on display when he chides “Us” on climate change, Taxes, and health care.

But it is this moral charlatan’s attempt to assign guilt on more than half of the electorate for the moral decline of our Republic that is the most revolting. He preens in front of cameras saying Trump supporters “have swallowed the poison pills of racist hatred, election fraud, a revolving door of semi-competent or outright awful appointees” because money is all they care about. Dogmatizing on morals and values while participating and championing those who impale Trump’s bloody likeness on a pike, demand the extermination of Trump’s family, and label Trump far eviler than Lucifer himself!

To be fair, RFSO  has taken Baldwin’s mental health and his report that he suffers from  Lyme’s disease into consideration. But we still feel his displays of malignant narcissism and stature within the CEC presents a clear and present danger to the survival of our constitutional republic and unravels the moral fabric that binds us together.


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