
Op-Ed: Veteran struggles, stands, salutes Trump at the Republican National Convention after Pence Accepts Nomination – Trump salutes back

A perfect example of Trump’s America

Credit: Fox News Network 2020.

Last night at the Republican National Convention Vice President Mike Pence gave his formal acceptance speech for the nomination to be the next vice president. When he finished the powerful speech, President Trump came out on stage to stand by the vice president and to stand for the National Anthem. It is here where the real story begins.

Find some takeaways from the night here.

With the crowd chanting “four more years,” Country music superstar Trace Atkins took to the mic. As the first words of the nation’s anthem were being sung, the camera panned to a group of veterans with Soldier Strong, an organization that helps veterans with disabilities walk with the help of an exoskeleton, who were attending the event.

Most of the vets were either already standing or in their wheelchairs. But there was one vet who was struggling to stand, yet was soldiering on nevertheless.

Credit: Fox News Network 2020.

It didn’t take long for the soldier to stand, but his struggle was recognizable. This man gave so much for his nation’s independence: his body, the ease of many every-day activities for many of us and his independence from devices. But he stood and he saluted – something many American athletes, who not only retain all of their body’s members, but have super athletic abilities and get paid to run around, hit balls and score for their teams, don’t do.

As I watched this man stand for the entire anthem, thinking about him, his and the veterans’ sacrifices who stood and sat by his side last night, I couldn’t help but feel an enormous sense of pride for our nation – that we have people like this man who love our country that much. It was, however, in stark contrast of what was happening at the same time last night in Portland where riots were declared once again for the 91st consecutive night.

Although this was truly a beautiful moment, there was another to come.

Once the anthem concluded, the camera panned to President Trump and what was he doing? Well, it turns out the president also noticed the soldier struggling to stand so he acknowledged the man’s strength and courage. President Trump returned the salute to the injured soldier who sacrificed, stood and saluted our flag, president and nation. Now that was a beautiful sight that brought tears to my eyes.

Credit: Fox News Network 2020.

The image your getting in your mind is exactly that of a Trump America – one that stands for the pledge, anthem and flag. A nation that repecsts its president and vice president. A nation that respects and acknowledges the sacrifices made by our service members. This picturesque moment is what another Trump administration will give us and further drives the point as to why we need another four years for President Trump.

With that said, what does a Biden-Harris administration look like? Look to Portland for your answer. Look to Kenosha, WI and Seattle too. It looks like chaos.

I honestly wasn’t a Trump supporter the first time around. I voted Libertarian because I believe in the individual and don’t really believe the government should have much of a say in our every-day lives. But this time I know I’m for Trump because of the improvements he and his administration have made for our nation.

Credit: Fox News Network 2020.

Trump has shown us what a president can accomplish if he or she works hard for the American people. He’s been a different kind of leader, yes, but he’s also made the most progress of any president in a long time. If Trump isn’t re-elected, I and many others worry how the nation will fare. There have been signs everywhere that something is being planned on the Democratic side of things, and the jury is still out on whether that will be good or bad.

The US has been experiencing massive growth under President Trump, which typically would speak for his re-election, but 2020 is a temperamental year and the Republican ticket will need every single vote it can get. Do you think we’d have the same growth under a President Biden?

Another Trump-Pence presidency could prove to be even more historic for economic growth, the military and even more important – patriotism.

Think long and hard about whether you’d rather see riots in the streets, buildings burning to the ground and lives being ruined; or if you’d rather see patriots singing our nation’s anthem and men and women struggling to stand to respect the flag but standing nonetheless. Although our vets make life-changing sacrifices I’d prefer to see the latter take place and I’m willing to bet they’d rather see the same.

What about you?

Conner Womble

Conner Womble is a 27-year-old Baylor University graduate. He started his career in corporate sales, but is now pursuing a freelance writing and political commentary career. If you have any possible stories, questions, and/or comments, please don't hesitate to reach out via any of the provided contacts. Follow Conner on Twitter @connerwomble.

Published by
Conner Womble

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