
It Takes A Business Man Like Donald Trump To Run A Country

“If you don’t read the news you are ill-informed and if you do read the news you re misinformed— Actor Denzel Washington paraphrasing Mark Twain.

The difference between a politician and a businessman is a politician talks the talk but a businessman gets things done—an old saying.

Today many news stations are concentrating on the undecided voter. There is no reason to be uninformed today with 24/7 radio and televised news stations, internet flooded with news, newspapers, and magazines all over the place yet people are still uninformed. If you are undecided this close to an election then you better not vote because you’ll never be decided. The other day on FOX they interviewed so-called undecided voters. One guy was a supreme leftist who called this election, and especially Trump, a cancer on the land and said he may go for a third-party candidate. Another was a local woman judge who seemed like a complete airhead to me. She said in one county she saw all Biden signs. In another county, she saw all Trump signs so she didn’t know who to vote for. And she’s a judge and can’t make a simple decision who to vote for?? A third guy was a conservative and said he was going for Trump and thought Trump had a good chance of winning Minn.

Ever since I was in college in the 60’s I heard people say we really need a businessman to run this country like a business and get things done..Little did I realize that one day that businessman would be Donald Trump and they were right.

Trump has done more than any president and politician in the last three and a half years and succeeded for the American people. Unlike most Democrat Politicians, Businessman President Donald J. Trump always lived by the principle, you must hustle and struggle to engage in our capitalist society.

Trump’s a hard worker because he’s not a politician.  He’s a businessman!  He’s used to being held accountable for any monies and or incidences that happen.  He’s transparent, almost to a fault. His achievements are historic.  And he truly works very hard for us, because he so loves America and its Americans.  It shows.  Not even COVID affecting him, his wife, and his son Barron, could stop him  How can one not love a guy who does so much for us and our country?

Democrats are accustomed to sitting on their asses and allowing someone else to do the heavy lifting for them. That’s a perfect example of them and Trump with this virus. Trump has done everything from putting the travel ban on China and Europe in January, setting up the Javits center with 3000 beds, getting the two hospital ships here in record time, seeing that everyone that needed a ventilator got one and sent some overseas and got research going to find a cure with a vaccine that democrats said would take years and now we are having one by the end of the year while democrats just sat on their hands and tried to impeach him when there was nothing to impeach him for and wasted 30 million dollars of the taxpayer’s money. He did everything and they did nothing yet people still blame him for not doing enough to stop this virus. What do they expect him to do? This because the fake news censored everything he did to make him look bad just like they are censoring Hunter Biden and his dirty deeds to protect him and his crooked, corrupt father.

Trump has done more for blacks than any president including Obama who was supposed to do everything for them and did nothing. Trump passed criminal justice reform, police reform, increased funding for black universities, and gave them opportunity zones. Obama could have done that but didn’t do anything.

At Trump’s peaceful protests (so-called because you can’t have a rally or gathering of more than three people but you can protest in the streets) in Mich. and  Wisconsin whenever Trump mentioned Hunter Biden the crowd of 30,000 people chanted “lock him up, lock him up” just like they used to for Hillary.

Trump also compares Hunter Biden to a vacuum cleaner. During a swing through the key battleground state of Florida, Trump tore into the Bidens who he likened to an “organized crime family” and also likened Hunter Biden to a “vacuum cleaner” who “follows his father around collecting” money. Actually, it was Hunter collecting the money on his own making these deals with foreign countries that his father knew about and later denied and turning half of it over to his father.

The resilient Trump showed no signs of fatigue or illness only two weeks after he had been hospitalized with the coronavirus and on these marathon days. He’s been holding two peaceful protest rallies a day speaking to crowds of 30,000 for over two hours and then an hour later appears before another crowd of 30,000 and speaks for another two hours and sounds fresh and new each time.

He works 12 hours a day and only gets about four or fiv hours of sleep and has met with more world leaders and traveled more than any other president.

Trump has accomplished more than any president in history in the past four years with over 300 accomplishments and as Trump says “The best is yet to come.”

You can see all of Trump’s accomplishments here, Just click on the topic like “Education” “Environment”  “Trade” etc and a list of all the accomplishments in all categories comes up.

Promises Kept | President Donald J. Trump’s Accomplishments

Jim Clayton

I am a retired former newspaper reporter and retail sales person. I'm a politically conservative easy going person from New Jersey. I am married to a wonderful wife and like talking and writing about movies,, concerts I attend and current events all which I write about here. I would enjoy hearing from anyone on my articles and they can write to me here.

Published by
Jim Clayton

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