
Native Americans, Israel, and Evidence?

This is a topic that requires patience and attention to gain an honest understanding. I bring up this debate of worldviews amid our ever-present culture war in complete grace. My new large-scale historical non-fiction currently being written is titled Providence and the North American Indian. It is a piece of work that brings a topic front-and-center that has not been thoroughly explored since early 20th century’s Edward S. Curtis wrote The North American Indian. Even further, it’s a topic not explored since John Eliot preached to the Indigenous tribes of New England in the early 1600s.

There is a special relationship, cloaked under a blanket of misinformation, between the nation of Israel and the North American Indian. Over four centuries ago (400 years), it was widely theorized that the Indigenous peoples of the New World were part of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel. The unique relationship that is uncovered is shockingly similar. There is certain evidence that should be presented, and it will arguably be pushed back against by some as well.

Why is this so important? Ever since the end of the 19th century, people have been misled through public education and the mass-media markets. Some people have eventually come to blame American society itself. We were taught that by some cosmic chance of fairy magic, human beings evolved from fish-frog looking creatures, to ape-like half-breeds, and finally into what we are today… human-beings. American’s have gotten completely lost into what they can appear to be, by holding onto what they have been told they are, taught by those who have a completely different agenda for the future than you and I.

The divine consequences placed upon humanity for their actions at the Tower of Babel, reflected the overall internal and external rebellion in man’s heart and proven through man’s actions. Babel was meant to glorify man instead of God. Babel was the centerpiece of the one-world religion at that time. Genesis 11:4-7 states: “Come, let us build a one-world religion.” Then God says: “Come, let us break them up.” Mankind did not want to be dispersed from Babel, yet this is exactly what God had intended. Genesis 11:8 says: “So the Lord dispersed them from there over the face of all the earth, and they left off building the city.” Genesis 11:9 also shows us just in fact why this place was even called Babel.

God gives clarification into why there are so many nations all over the world with pagan religions, and even why Babylon is often used as the typical symbol of evil when reading through the Bible. Ultimately, in one powerful moment, God split humanity with assigned languages, broke up mankind’s rebellion, and complicated the advancement of a grand city that was meant to glorify man instead of God. So, it is from the Tower of Babel that we can honestly understand why there are so many differing cultures spread across the world.

American Indian Stories of the Tower of Babel.

To complete our understanding on how North American Indians relate to human dispersion, we need to look at the cultural and religious stories that arise from archaeological discoveries, documentation, and human stories which are passed down generations through oral tradition. Luckily, scientists and archaeologists have been able to document American Indian accounts that they have encountered over time. There are many story’s that involve The Flood and the Tower of Babel, however, some of the best examples were found not too far away in North America.

Archaeologist Ron Wyatt explains, “The Aztec nation, located in southern Mexico, claimed they had lived somewhere in northwestern Mexico or the southwestern US for over 1,000 years before migrating south sometime in the 1000s or 1100s AD. Most of our knowledge of these people comes from the Aztec sacred books, known as ‘codices’, which were kept in their temples and which the native Aztec historians used when they wrote their chronicles. In the first half of the 1500’s, the Aztec chieftain Ixtlilxochitl, wrote Ixtlilxochitl Relaciones, a history relating the archives of his family and the ancient writings of his Aztec nation.” He claims they were descendants to the Toltecs, who had passed down the following tale. In this account, Ixtlilxochitl presents the most complete and accurate account of the flood and events at Babel that have ever been found in any ancient civilization other than the Biblical account:

“It is found in the histories of the Toltecs that this age and first world, as they call it, lasted 1716 years; that men were destroyed by tremendous rains and lightning from the sky, and even all the land without the exception of anything, and the highest mountains, were covered up and submerged in water ‘caxtolmolatli’ (translated to read ‘fifteen cubits’); and here they added other fables of how men came to multiply from the few who escaped from this destruction in a ‘toptlipetlocali;’ that this word nearly signifies a close chest; and how, after men had multiplied, they erected a very high ‘zacuali’, which is to-day a tower of great height, in order to take refuge in it should the second world (age) be destroyed. Presently their languages were confused, and not being able to understand each other, they went to different parts of the earth….”

In 1875 and 1876, Hubert Howe Bancroft wrote a 5-volume encyclopedia on the American west, the largest collection of information on this subject, entitled The Native Races of the Pacific States of North America. On page 76 he relates another of the rare instances when the remembrance of the Tower at Babel lives on in the legends of an ancient people, the Papago Indians of Arizona. He also mentions that the earth was warmer in “those days’ (before the flood); that all men, as well as animals shared a common tongue; and that Montezuma and his friend, the coyote were saved from drowning in a boat.” Myths of Babel and The Flood are well foundational in world science. It is this universal history of humankind that has been watered-down throughout time by way of oral tradition. This is a given as storytelling and the policy of relaying these events are typically word-of-mouth only.

What About Science?

To completely comprehend the beginnings of indigenous peoples of North America, we must discern the evidence to the past. Historical artifacts of any capacity should be authentic, logical, and seamlessly tied into history. It is because of the evidence offered that we are given directional clues for us to follow in documenting how the past occurred. For the North American Indian, their tribal culture offers us clues to their own beginnings. DNA extraction is an important scientific tool being used today for examining biogenetics and performing genealogical research. One recent report mentions how a DNA study supports the Bible in Christian authenticity. It was revealed through renowned Dr. Jeanson that this process affirms scientific evidence on the legitimacy of “hundreds of thousands of species in a few thousand years.” This meaning that the Canaanites Homogeneous Group of humans lived in Israel. So science confirms without a doubt that ancient DNA supports the Bible’s written account of Babel.

So, how did North American Indians arrive in North America in the first place? Looking back at history, the origins of every single person on this planet begins at the Tower of Babel. Genesis 10:32 says: “These were the families of the sons of Noah, according to their generations, in their nations; and from these the nations were divided on the earth after the flood.” Answers-in-Genesis Writer and Engineer Bodie Hodge answers this question starting with his explanation of indigenous land-migration:

“From Babel, we would expect that civilizations closer to the region would be settled first and then those farther away. Initial civilizations such as Babylon, Egypt, and Greece were among the first to rise. Larry Pierce has a good article describing this—see ‘In the Days of Peleg.’ The next general areas people spread to were Europe, Asia, and Africa. Beyond this would be Australia and North and South America. Let’s take a closer look at North America and South America.”

“First, most Native Americans likely came across the Bering Strait from Asia to Alaska. From there, they went south and spread throughout the continent and on down to Central and South America. The timing of this event would have be after the Tower of Babel when Noah’s descendants were scattered across the globe to repopulate the earth. Ussher places the Tower of Babel at about 2242 BC, which is about a hundred years or so after the Flood. For the land beneath the Bering Strait to be exposed, the ocean level would have to be lower. The Ice Age that followed the Flood would be the perfect mechanism to remove water from the ocean and deposit it on land, thus reducing the ocean level. The Ice Age peaked about 500 years after the Flood, or about 400 years after Babel.”

For the Bering Strait to have been covered by enough solid snow and ice to expose the land bridge, it would have taken most of the Ice Age. This information is taken and based upon the current depth of the Bering Strait, which is believed to have been shallower preceding the Ice Age. This event would allow solid ground to show sooner than 400 years after Babel and the resulting Dispersion. This would have been the small and exact opportunity for people to cross.

According to historian Mike Oard, on page 130 and 132, in his book Frozen in Time, “Sixty years is a crude back-of-the-envelope calculation to estimate the minimum time it would take to reach South America. The actual migration would likely have been more complicated and slower. Migration could have happened in spurts. Some tribes could have settled for a while in a location before moving on.”

It makes complete sense that after a couple of hundred years there would be plenty of time to expand and migrate across Asia to the Bering Strait. Even many of the first explorers to the Americas most likely showed up around 200 to 500 years after the Great Flood, or about 100 to 400 years after Babel, at about 2142 BC to approximately 1842 BC (based upon Ussher’s dates). These land bridges would have exposed Australia, for example, which has an extensive, shallow continental shelf that also connects the surrounding island chains in Southeast Asia. Mr. Hodge also mentions that “another method of entry to the Americas and Australia” was “by boat.”

He continues, “we need to remember that Noah was a capable shipbuilder, as were his sons. Noah lived for nearly 350 years after the Flood, until 1998 BC (according to Ussher). Noah and his sons, such as Shem, who died in 1846 BC, would also have been alive during and after the Tower of Babel, when people were scattered. So they could easily have passed along boat-building skills or even helped build some boats themselves. Many ancient boats were quite large (as Larry Pierce indicated in his article The Large Ships of Antiquity), so it wouldn’t surprise me if many people traveled by ship. Some modern experiments indicate that even simple, smaller boats, such as Ra II (made from totora reeds), have even been able to cross the Atlantic Ocean. (…) Boats [further] explain how Hawaiian people arrived at Hawaii as well as other islands that have even older civilizations. Mayan history claims a legendary leader, Itzamna (who has been deemed “godlike” since), who brought them from the Far East through the water.”

More Evidence Please

The Arawak peoples populated the Caribbean and Northern parts of South America and they also encountered Christopher Columbus in his journey into the New World. An American Indian song, sung by present-day Chief Joseph Riverwind, who is the Amahura (war chief) of the Northern Arawak Nation. He sings, “Shema, shema, nayena, popaska hoya yah.” This song was immediately translated by Chief Riverwind, “Listen, listen, people, as you gather together, we will dance before the creator.” This Is reflective of the traditional Jewish prayer called Shema.

For Riverwind, he is both ethnically American Indian and Bnei Anousim (a Jew who hid their identity during the Spanish Inquisition). He goes on to include the similarities of God’s name. Yah Yah – The Supreme Spirit of Spirits. Similar to Yahweh. His wife, a Cherokee, called God YoHeWaH. They also “carried and ark into battle, celebrate seven feasts, kept a seventh day of rest, had cities of refuge, and don’t eat pork.” Eerily similar to their ancient Hebrew counterparts. Lets not stop there though.

The final piece of evidence was uncovered not too long ago. The Los Lunas Inscription (or the Decalogue Stone) is an abridged version of the Decalogue or Ten Commandments, carved into the flat face of a large boulder resting on the side of Hidden Mountain, near Los Lunas, New Mexico, about 35 miles south of Albuquerque. The language is Hebrew, and the script is the Old Hebrew alphabet, with a few Greek letters mixed in. This piece of archeological history connects North America to Ancient Israel on an 80-ton boulder inscribed in ancient Paleo-Hebrew. Inscriptions on the stone read as “YHWH” or “Yahweh,” and appears three times.

Another artifact not well-known that connect Ancient Israel and Indigenous North America are the Newark Holy Stones. An online description with Ohio State University reads, “In November of 1860, David Wyrick of Newark, Ohio found an inscribed stone in a burial mound about 10 miles south of Newark. The stone is inscribed on all sides with a condensed version of the Ten Commandments or Decalogue, in a peculiar form of post-Exilic square Hebrew letters. The robed and bearded figure on the front is identified as Moses in letters fanning over his head.”

Of course like all evidence to the past, they are typically always disputed for one minor reason or another. This evidence is not free from the bondage of critics. There are always, and always will be critics on either side of the aisle. As in life, there are not scientific answers for all our problems in life nor our mysteries. What we can be assured of though is that throughout history, faith has been a critical part in all of humanities existence. Without faith, much would never have turned out the way it has for many of us. I mean if it weren’t for Gutenberg’s faith in God and as his inspiration for invention of the printing press, would you even be reading this right now?

See More At: www.ComplexAmerica.org

Daniel L. Smith

Daniel Lee Smith is a Historian, Producer, and Author. Mr. Smith holds an MA in History from Southern New Hampshire University. He is the author of 1845-1870: An Untold Story of Northern California. He writes and has written many historically thought-provoking articles published for both the online and print audience. Mr. Smith has lived all over the United States and has extensively traveled North America. An Honorably Discharged US Coast Guard veteran, Mr. Smith was also recognized by Harrah's, Inc. and the City of New Orleans in 2006 for volunteering in the rebuilding of New Orleans (Commercial District) after Hurricane Katrina in 2005 (unrelated to his service).

Published by
Daniel L. Smith

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