The Buses keep rolling. From Texas, Florida, and Arizona, the Governors are filling the buses with illegal immigrants and shipping them North. With destinations like the sanctuary cities of San Francisco, Chicago, Boston, and New York, the southern Border States have had enough, spent too much, and are making a point in a dramatic fashion that gets some attention.
This influx of humanity is placing a burden of multiple magnitudes on these Northern cities, and their Mayors, all Democrats, are irate at Joe Biden and are putting pressure on him to finally stem the tide of illegals entering our country. Mayor Adams is finally seeing the light. This catastrophe is not the fault of Ron DeSantis or Greg Abbott. They are working to save what remains of their great states after nearly three years of failed Biden policies on the Border. It is fruitless to talk about Biden’s policies, for his only plan is to abolish the Border and let in millions of unvetted, unvaccinated illegals worldwide. If the illegals formed a state, they would be the 15th largest state in our country. Over seven million people, and we do not know who they are, where they came from, or, worse, where they have gone. These people are given a piece of paper telling them to report for a hearing in three years and set free. Our government has already lost 85,000 minors who have probably fallen into illegal labor situations or, God forbid, the sex trade. America is the largest market for children for sex in the world. Let that sink in. And you wonder why none of the visitors to Epstein’s Island have been investigated.
Mayor Adams claims the migrant crisis will destroy New York City, and it is not hyperbole. Over 100,000 people are filling hotels, shelters, and temporary encampments. They are absorbing resources earmarked for needy New York residents who are now going without. Thousands of non-English speaking children are overcrowding the schools, and people are living on the streets with colder weather coming soon. The situation is not going to improve because there is no plan to solve the migrant flow. People want the Border closed, and the President is not listening.
Congresspeople Cortez and Nadler visited the Big Apple today and were shouted down by protestors as they both said the problem needs more Federal funding. There is no plan, but throw more cash at it, and the problem disappears. That is the Democrat solution to every crisis. They also kept referring to these people as Venezuelans. They obviously were playing to one voting block, as nobody knows where these people came from. They made fools of themselves and insulted us by saying we must embrace these people because we are all Americans. These people are anything but Americans. They are demanding work permits and driver’s licenses for all so these people can begin to support themselves. How about deportation orders and let them come back legally?
These people protesting today were not wearing MAGA hats. These people are New Yorkers who supported and helped Biden win his office. They are angry, and Democrats are losing these people. Finally, one protestor summed this up perfectly. He said the government shut down businesses and our lives for two years during the Pandemic. People had to skip food to buy school supplies for their children. These people are given shelter, food, cell phones, and cash; New Yorkers have seen enough. This day of anger in NYC is just the icing on the cake for the worst week in Joe Biden’s Presidency. He is going to the beach. See you Monday!
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