What a pathetic and predictable bunch. These moronic talking heads and politicians who have bought into the Kamala Harris campaign are insulting us, but they are insulting their people, too. This latest blitz of hate and smear against Donald Trump and his supporters is the last-gasp effort of the people who know that they will lose the Presidency to Donald Trump on November 5. My emotions have been difficult to suppress as I have written these last four years, especially the last few months. The actions and words of Kamala Harris and everyone down the ranks make it difficult to stay above the level of their incivility. These insensitive imbeciles have no concern for the Holocaust survivors and their families as they so callously throw the name Hitler and the phrase Nazi around to describe Donald Trump and the entire Right. The Harris campaign is so dysfunctional that they have tried to convince America she was shifting to the middle, yet they sent Bernie Sanders and Sandy Cortez, two Socialists, to coerce voters to go with Harris. Is there not a single sane person on the Left who sees this campaign has imploded like the Tropicana?
Hillary Clinton, who still has not acknowledged her loss to Donald Trump in 2016 and made that denial a second career, went on the mainstream media to compare the Trump Rally with Hitler’s rally in 1939. The curious element of Hillary’s ignorant statement, and one the legacy media will ignore, is that Bill Clinton accepted his first nomination in 1992 in a very similar scene to Trump’s rally, and it was in Madison Square Garden. I am sure you would not have Hillary calling her husband a Fascist for addressing the convention in MSG, but wait, there is one other gathering that Hillary might want to label Fascist. In 1924, FDR and the Ku Klux Klan were both present at the Democrat National Convention at Madison Square Garden. The KKK has a solid connection to the Democrat Party. Robert Byrd, who was the longest-serving senator, was a wizard of the KKK and had three former or future Presidents at his funeral: Clinton, Obama, and Biden. What would Hillary like to say about this political gathering at MSG? Hillary is old news and is full of anger for Republicans, especially Donald Trump. Why the MSM thinks she is still relevant enough to stick a microphone in front of her mouth is anyone’s guess. To Hillary, like Harris, success is not measured by what you have done but by how much you trashed Trump.
The list is enormous, filled with names of Harris backers who are pushing this Fascist/Nazi narrative. If a candidate were confident of their chances to win an election, you would never see this openly aggressive assault on the opponent’s character; if there is one thing we can be sure of, this message will continue through the weekend and Election Day. If and when Harris loses this election, she will look back and regret putting so much emphasis on the John Kelly label of Fascist that he placed on Trump. When she should have been talking about her attributes in the final week, she and everyone else connected with the Democrats were name-calling. It’s amateurish and disgusting. She will pay the price for a horrible campaign, but then again, she never should have been in the campaign. It is poetic justice that she will be the second woman to lose to Donald Trump.