You have a voice. Why shouldn’t everyone hear what you have to say? And maybe even get paid for it…
Blogging can get your voice heard by thousands or millions of people, but only if you have access to the right audience.
CDN has been promoting citizen journalists, op-ed creators, podcasters, live voice program hosts, cartoonists and personalities for more than a decade. It isn’t just because we have tons of connections (we do), or because we’re a highly-respected source of news (we are), an amazing source for commentary and information (yeah, those too.) It is because we care about our country. We work with our contributors to focus their writing, learn how to attract an audience and how to take things to the next level. Oh, and we give our contributors access to our sizeable social media presence. If you’re trying to get noticed, why wouldn’t you want that?
Anyone can do it!
Our strategies will help you learn how to properly research, create, promote, and brand so that you might move on to do it all yourself!
What does it cost? Nothing. Really… nothing.. ever!
We’ll give you an account on CDN to start creating content. Our editorial staff will review your submissions and shape them with their experience and then promote them with the tools we use to highlight our own content.
Join CDN if you’re ready to learn from an experienced editorial staff:
If you are willing to do the work to get to the next level, we can open those doors. All you have to do is walk through them by writing, creating video, podcasting, listening and learning.
CDN offers a high-visibility platform that showcases your content in front of tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of visitors each day.
CDN needs talented writers on technology, politics, entertainment, breaking news, current events and more. Whether you specialize in news, opinion, essays, commentary, podcasts, technology or something else – CDN could be your new home.
If CDN is just what you’re looking for, use our CONTACT Page to let us know.