Dan Sanchez

Self-Improvement Is Inherently Pro-Liberty

The number-one bestselling book in the world last week was Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good…

1 year ago

Unpopular Truths Need to Be Told

“Tell the people what is honestly believed to be true. Disregard votes. Pay no attention to popularity. ‘To thine own…

2 years ago

Call Off the Call-Out Culture War

You don’t hear much about “call-out culture” anymore. The term has been supplanted by “cancel culture.” This is unfortunate, because…

2 years ago

Individualist Feminism Versus Collectivist Feminism

Feminism is often considered a single homogenous ideology to either endorse or oppose. However, from the beginning, the movement has…

2 years ago

How Atheist Anti-Capitalists Miss the Point

If an economist sees the handiwork of God in the economy, does that invalidate his economic arguments from a secular…

2 years ago

Herbert Spencer’s Two Types of Society

According to the philosopher Herbert Spencer (1820-1903), there are two types of society: militant and industrial. In his 1884 book…

2 years ago

It’s Either Commands or Contracts

“There are two different kinds of social cooperation,” wrote Ludwig von Mises: one based on contract (voluntary agreement and reciprocity),…

2 years ago

Running Away from Our Own Revolution

In 1961, a group of students gathered for a seminar in a mansion in Irvington-on-Hudson, New York, which was then…

2 years ago

Cato’s Letters Explained “the Glorious Principles of Liberty” to the American Founders

In the twilight of his life, John Adams reflected on the American Revolution in a letter to Thomas Jefferson, writing:…

2 years ago

What Ayn Rand Meant by “Americanism”

In 1946, a Russian immigrant to America tried to remind her fellow citizens what America was all about. A publication…

2 years ago

The Iron Law of Kleptocracy

To develop his theory of government, John Locke posited an origin story of the state. He explained legitimate government as…

2 years ago

The Education of Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt was not an economics professor. Yet he was one of the greatest economics educators in history. Through his…

2 years ago

What the American Founders Meant by Equality

The Declaration of Independence famously proclaimed that “all men are created equal.” Thanks in part to that prestigious endorsement, “equality”…

2 years ago

How to Create Like a Bastiat

What would it take to once again make liberty “an idea whose time has come”? Or as Leonard Read put…

2 years ago

Keysmiths for Liberty

Most libertarians are converts. Very few were inculcated from childhood in the freedom philosophy. Most of us were indoctrinated by…

3 years ago