Zbigniew Mazurak

Stop fantasymongering about a world without nuclear weapons

President Obama has just visited the Hiroshima Memorial and has made another impassioned plea for "a world without nuclear weapons."…

9 years ago

How the ACA Does its Pseudo “Research”: By Omitting Anything That Doesn’t Jibe With Their Agenda

One of the leftist organizations that advocates America's unilateral disarmament is the Arms Control Association (ACA), founded in 1971. Since…

10 years ago

Cirincione caught lying about the Iran deal

The proponents of the Obama administration's deal with Iran are getting very desperate. Unable to defend the deal on its…

10 years ago

The Ploughshares Fund Exposed: It Is A Treasonous Organization

As the Congressional debate on the accord between Iran and the world's major powers heats up, the anti-nuclear Ploughshares Fund has…

10 years ago

Nuked: Kingston Reif’s Newest Lies About Nuclear Weapons Refuted

The RealClearDefense.com website has recently published a new anti-nuclear diatribe by the defense issues ignoramus and rabid anti-nuclear propagandist Kingston…

10 years ago

Why America Was Right To Drop The Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima

70 years ago, a USAAF B-29 bomber dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima. Three days later, another bomber dropped a…

10 years ago

Rebuttal of Ward Wilson’s Blatant Lies About Nukes

These days, the Left is desperately trying (just like during the Cold War) to delegitimize the US nuclear deterrent and…

10 years ago

How Russia has violated the INF Treaty

For several years now, Russia has been violating the INF Treaty. The Obama administration has known about this since 2009,…

10 years ago

The Nuclear Deal With Iran: A Preliminary Assessment

This morning, diplomats representing the US, the UK, France, Russia, China, and Germany concluded an agreement with Iran concerning that…

10 years ago

Rebuttal of Greg Thielmann’s lies about Russia’s nuclear arsenal

In recent years, Russian President Vladimir Putin has taken many steps to build up Russia's nuclear arsenal, which had previously…

10 years ago

Rebuttal of the Pentagon’s pro-F-35 spin

A few days ago, it was revealed that the F-35 "Joint Strike Fighter" lost all of its close-range combat tests…

10 years ago

Liberals Never Stop Seeking To Disarm America Unilaterally

Liberals never give up in their campaign to disarm America unilaterally. As the service lives of the components of America's…

10 years ago

The US Needs To Immediately Trash the INF and New START Treaties

Last year, Obama administration recently - and very belatedly - announced it had found Russia in violation of the INF…

10 years ago

China Catching Up With, And Overtaking, the US Militarily

A graph published by Rep. Randy Forbes (R-VA-04), demonstrating how the Chinese military (PLA) is overtaking the US armed forces…

10 years ago

Rebuttal of Doug Bandow’s Blatant Lies About Ronald Reagan

Two days ago, the leftist The National Interest magazine published a ridiculous screed by leftist libertarian Doug Bandow, titled "Betrayed:…

10 years ago