
I'm a young guy from Ohio, and I'm driven by a concern and worry about the fallout of the arbitrary nature of our "leadership" in the government. I'm a concerned conservative, who is worried about the miserable and contrary rules that are issued from Washington. I wish more people would be far more weary of the destructive nature of government. I hope I ask questions that make you think, and get as nervous as we should be about the powers that be, in D.C.

An Obama Scheme

So, today, as Secretary of State, John Kerry, reeled off the reasons that the United States should find itself embroiled…

12 years ago

Holder’s DOJ Says, “You’re Grounded!”

This week, a prospective merger between American Airlines and U.S. Airways stalled, when the United States Department of Justice and…

12 years ago

Faults With False Hero Worship

A former community organizer from Chicago, the president entered the Oval Office five-plus years ago, amid high hopes and promises…

12 years ago

Boston Take Aways

Boston was a city that had artificially seized up - made motionless and frozen in fear by 24 hour coverage.…

12 years ago

Moving Left Isn’t Right

Written in a time filled with the gasps and death of the Soviet Union, and its satellites' declarations of their independence,…

12 years ago

Russell’s Rules vs. Today’s Government Rule

This week, on Openculture.com, I stumbled onto a reference of a Bertrand Russell column from 1951. In the New York…

12 years ago

“I Am Not A Dictator!”

"O Duck Luck, " says Hen Pen, "the sky is falling!" "Why, how do you know it?" says Duck Luck.…

12 years ago

Obama’s SOTU: We Must, We Might, I Want

"...and I want a fire truck, and a baseball glove, and a cowboy hat!" So seemed to go President Obama's…

12 years ago

Obama, The Gift That Keeps Giving?

We have seen the missteps and the successes of the Obama administration. We have seen the worst, seemingly having each…

12 years ago

But He’s OUR War Criminal!

For the entirety of his two terms in office, the typical reactions of progressives to George W. Bush were belittling…

12 years ago

The Left, and Throw-Away Humanity

While the left is content to spew their opinions and opine on subjects that they are dangerously under educated about, the chasm…

12 years ago

The “Accomplishments” of Central Planners

As America continues to stumble headlong toward more government-directed "solutions", it struck me how awfully people have fared under such actions…

12 years ago