Kira Davis

Tonight on the Dark Side with Kira Davis

2/26/13 Sequestration; headlines; Oscars...Tune in tonight at 10pm ET/7pm Pacific on the CDNews Network on Blogtalk Radio.

12 years ago

Tonight on the Dark Side with Kira Davis

2/19/13 Is S.E. Cupp right about Rush Limbaugh? Tune in tonight at 10pmET/7pm PST on the CDNews Network on Blogtalk Radio. Oh,…

12 years ago

Tonight on the Dark Side with Kira Davis

2/17/13  I talked to the President this week. I'll talk to Louis Fowler tonight. One of these conversations will be…

12 years ago

Watch Me Ask the President…

So, I talked to the President today via Google+Hangout. No biggie. Whatevs. Happens ever day. Here's a short clip of…

12 years ago

Tonight on the Dark Side with Kira Davis

2/12/12 Atlas Shrugged producer Harmon Kaslow; Karen Seigmund of Rage Against the Media; Google+ Fireside Chat with the President and…

12 years ago

My Valentine’s Date with Obama: Google Hosts Fireside Chat

On Tuesday President Obama will deliver his State of the Union address. On the following Thursday the President will sit…

12 years ago

Tonight on the Dark Side with Kira Davis

2/10/13 Best Worst Thing of the Week with Louis Fowler; Christopher Dorner; news from the junk drawer. Join us tonight at…

12 years ago

Tonight on Getting Hammered w/Steve & Stevie

2/8/13 We're joined by Donlyn Turnbull of Dirty, Sexy Politics ...what a match up! Of course, we'll Mock The Week in…

12 years ago

LOL Tuesday – Demand a Plan Parody

It’s LOL Tuesday…the day of the week I’ve decided everyone needs to laugh out loud. Mondays aren’t for laughing, they’re…

12 years ago

Tonight on the Dark Side with Kira Davis

2/3/13  Gay Boy Scouts; Louis Fowler with entertainment; favorite Superbowl Commercials. Join us tonight at 10pm ET/7pm Pacific on the CDNews…

12 years ago

Tonight on the Dark Side with Kira Davis

1/29/13  CDNews Radio favorite Kurt Schlichter joins the Dark Side for a little dose of #caring; also - women in…

12 years ago

Tonight on the Dark Side with Kira Davis

1/27/13 The root canal is complete and Mrs.Davis is back with all bicuspids and molars in tact! Tonight we'll chat…

12 years ago

If Dr.King Were Alive Today…

On this day, we remember and give thanks for the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. His leadership and…

12 years ago

January Book Pick: Evan Sayet’s ‘Kindergarden of Eden’

The late, great Andrew Breitbart once described  comedian Evan Sayet's 2007 speech at the Heritage Foundation as "one of the…

12 years ago

Counter Culture Conservatism: “Slut Shaming” Edition

Anna-Maria Hoffman is a college student and conservative woman who feels strongly about the messages current pop culture sends out…

12 years ago