Teresa Wendt

A stay at home mom who runs a household, manages the finances, cares for a young adult autistic son, and cooks from scratch. Traveling from Arizona to Alaska summer of 2013. Visit my blog at https://ramblinroseaz.wordpress.com/ and follow along.

Valedictorian Stuns Crowd with Lord’s Prayer

  In South Carolina Roy Costner, high school valedictorian, got a round of applause after he surprised the crowd, transitioning…

12 years ago

Oops! One of those Weeks for Beleaguered President

There are days, weeks even, when just nothing goes right even for the president. After a difficult week filled with…

12 years ago

Keeping Freedom of the Press

Standing with Fox News Across the dial reporters are speaking out about the invasion of privacy the Department of Justice…

12 years ago

Armor-Clad CA Mayor Seeks Support

Stockton, the small resort city South of Sacramento, California sought bankruptcy protection from its obligations last summer. The bankruptcy filing…

12 years ago

Was IRS Surprise Audit of Billy Graham Coincidence?

Remember last year before the presidential elections Billy Graham and his Evangelical group sponsored a prominent newspaper ad promoting both…

12 years ago

Do Not Let Them Intimidate You.

The mood was somber on the Morning Joe set at MSNBC this morning. Their high hopes for this administration have…

12 years ago

Saudi Man Arrives at Detroit Airport with Pressure Cooker in Suitcase

This one surely will be chalked up under the 'stupid criminals' chapter, or maybe the "Oh, for God's Sakes." A…

12 years ago

An Isolated President?

President Obama, along side UK Prime Minister Cameron, took questions from the press today. The video below shares a small…

12 years ago

MSNBC on IRS Scandal: This is Tyranny!

Prepare yourself. The Tax Man Cometh. Since biblical times the tax man has been looked at with scorn and distrust.…

12 years ago

Bias Against Right Wing? IRS Says Sorry.

Did your left leaning friends kid you when you talked about a conspiracy against the Tea Party? Did they tell…

12 years ago

TX Cheerleaders Win 1st Amendment Victory

A Texas court judge ruled today that signs displayed by high school cheerleaders quoting biblical verses were "constitutionally permissible," and…

12 years ago

Deputy Chief Shares Emotional Benghazi Timeline

Gregory Hicks, the former deputy chief of mission in Libya, on Wednesday testified to a House committee about the night…

12 years ago

Armless Artist Denied UK Entry Visa. Reason? No Fingerprints.

Born in the nuclear test area of the former USSR, Karipbek Kuyukov has no arms. According to news reports, thousands…

12 years ago

Feds Back Away from Health Care State Payments During Bridge Year

In a surprise to no one, states are discovering yet another down side to Obamacare. Like many Americans, I have…

12 years ago

Parental Permission

Last week the FDA said that 15 year olds can now purchase an abortificient type birth control over the counter.…

12 years ago