Richard Larsen

AP award winning columnist Richard Larsen is President of Larsen Financial, a brokerage and financial planning firm in Pocatello, Idaho, and is a graduate of Idaho State University with a BA in Political Science and History and former member of the Idaho State Journal Editorial Board. He can be reached at

What Exactly Russia Did…and Didn’t Do

The fatuousness and fecklessness with which the mainstream media hypes the increasingly pointless “Russia Investigation” should lead any sentient person…

7 years ago

Independence Day – A Time for Reflection and Recommittal

With a firm grasp of history, our 40th President, Ronald Reagan declared, “Let the Fourth of July always be a…

7 years ago

Remembering Our Fallen Heroes

It has always been with a sense of awe that I regard those who have either voluntarily or involuntarily, assumed…

7 years ago

Using Facebook Data-Genius or Villain? Depends On the Year…and the Winner!

Theatrics and politics are constant companions, and this week’s appearance of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg before a congressional committee was…

7 years ago

Quality of Life Is Improving, In Spite of Perceptions

Listening to, or reading the news everyday, can only leave the impression that the world is spiraling downward in a…

7 years ago

An Organization that Stresses Firearm Safety Is Not to Blame for Shootings

As is always the case following a gun-related tragedy, ideologues who advance their biases at the expense of logic, fall…

7 years ago

What Has Happened to the Democrat Party?

History has been made yet again, with one of the largest tax cuts in the nation’s history. Every tranche of…

7 years ago

Adieu Internet Socialism – AKA Net Neutrality

“Net Neutrality” is a disingenuous misnomer, as its meaning has been misrepresented and mischaracterized from its inception. And judging from…

7 years ago

The Power of Gratitude to God – Lessons From Our Thanksgiving History

Despite narratives by contemporary textbooks, the earliest of Thanksgiving celebrations were established to acknowledge the hand of God, and give…

7 years ago

The Compelling Case for Tax Reform

Congress is currently considering revamping our tax system and reducing tax rates. Nearly all of the options being discussed for…

7 years ago

How To Alienate Your Base and Hurt Your Cause – Courtesy of the NFL

The symbolism employed by some NFL players is not just substantially vapid but is actually counterproductive to their intended objectives.…

7 years ago

Rewriting History By Removing Icons Does Not Change It

Following the Charlottesville, Virginia demonstrations, a national movement seems to have taken root to remove all vestiges of America’s Civil…

8 years ago

Dishonest Media and the Left’s New Civil War

Based on the visceral overreaction of the left and the mainstream media, to President Donald Trump’s comments this week, it…

8 years ago

What Has Trump Accomplished in First Six Months?

If one only feeds at the informational troughs of the mainstream media, one might assume the only thing our 45th…

8 years ago

Why Obamacare Must Be Repealed

The attempts to repeal Obamacare, or the Affordable Care Act (ACA), may seem primarily political, but they’re not. President Obama’s…

8 years ago