Warren Beatty (not the liberal actor)

The ‘Forgotten Man’ – Revisited

Kevin Roberts, Daniel Erspamer, and Randy Hicks, on May 26, 2021, wrote an excellent article about FDR, the 'forgotten man,'…

4 years ago

Benefits: Well, It Was Fun While It Lasted

Americans receiving monthly federal government benefits (148 million) exceeds the number of full-time workers in the private sector (86 million)…

11 years ago

Obama Sells Out The US … Again

Did you know that there is a White House meeting scheduled for tomorrow, April 15, 2014, about the "Open Skies"…

11 years ago

2nd Amendment Attacked … Again

Former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens (appointed by Gerald Ford in 1975), in an article written in response to…

11 years ago

Giving The Country Away, Again

Well, that abomination we call ObamaCare has again bitten us. This time it's illegal immigrants. The problem of enforcement of…

11 years ago

If Voter Fraud Is A Myth, Why Does It Keep Occurring?

U.S. News & World Report, on April 24, 2012, published an article entitled "The 'Myth' of Voter Fraud." The article…

11 years ago

Deportation: “What, Me Worry?”

As Keith Koffler at Whitehouse Dossier says, "Unless the Obama administration starts allowing non-citizens to send absentee ballots from Mexico,…

11 years ago

Voter Fraud: What Americans Think

When Democats and/or liberals resist efforts to ensure the integrity of our electoral process, they often say, "What voter fraud?"…

11 years ago

$300 Million for Detroit: Arbitrary Sequestration Continues

It seems that there is some $300 million in the federal budget for the bankrupt city of Detroit, despite what…

11 years ago

Carbon Emissions Cause Global Warming? IPCC Admits Error, But Obama Not Phased

Irony of ironies. Or perhaps it's just ideology of ideologies. Here's the ideology part. On Friday, September 20, 2013, Dear…

11 years ago

Skin In The Game

Dear Leader Barack Hussein Obama, in January 2009, told George Stephanopoulos on ABC's This Week, "Everybody's going to have to…

11 years ago

Obama: In Way Over His Head

If ever there was proof that Dear Leader Barack Hussein Obama is in over his head with regard to world…

12 years ago

Debt Ceiling Arbitrarily Raised

Did you know that the debt ceiling was arbitrarily raised by $51 billion back in July? It seems that Treasury…

12 years ago

Thwarting Upward Mobility, Exacerbating Racial Tensions

Did you know that YOU are thwarting a chance at upward mobility, that you are causing Americans to lose a…

12 years ago