2014 Election News

News, voter information, analysis and coverage of the 2014 mid-term election

Dementia or Dishonesty, Pelosi Is Unfit for Office

While it still requires a willing suspension of reality to believe Rep. Nancy Pelosi (P-CA), wasn't the spearhead of the…

10 years ago

Obama’s Policies Rebuffed by Midterm Elections

Tuesday’s election results nationally represent an unmistakable shift to the right. Voters across the country took the president at his…

10 years ago

President Irritated and Aggressive after humbling loss to opponents

President Obama is unhappy with the results of Tuesday's election and according to news reports has become "irritated" and "aggressive"…

10 years ago

Election 2014 Results – GOP Takes Control of the Senate and Increases Seats in House

The last two years have left Americans feeling left out of the economic recovery and frustrated at the general direction…

10 years ago

Obamacare forces many to avoid preventative healthcare

President Obama promised huge reductions in premiums and greater access to care. Unfortunately, forcing insurers to create plans with easy…

10 years ago

The Demotion of Harry Reid

With but a day left until the Senate likely knows its next makeup, Harry Reid might just be readying himself…

10 years ago

RE: The US Senate Race in Kansas

"Independent" Greg Orman, who has so many Democrat Party operative working on his campaign one expects to see Nancy Pelosi's…

10 years ago

Intelligent Americans Reject Democrat “War on Women” and decide to vote smart

Political polling shows that the American voting public grows increasingly weary of Democrats saying that Republicans oppose mammograms and PAP smears. Liberal groups funded…

10 years ago

The Lightening-Fast Reflexes of the Obama Regime

The Obama Administration's Department of Homeland Security Secretary, Jeh Johnson, announced October 28th that his agency has raised the security…

10 years ago

Aborted Barbie – A.F. Branco

Just too far to the left of reasonable for Texas.

10 years ago

NRA Website with Gun-friendly Ratings for 2014 Candidates

As next Tuesday's mid-term election grows near, many are unsure of their candidate's position on their right to own firearms…

10 years ago

Hungry Lies

Business do not create jobs.. or something.

10 years ago

Hillary: Businesses do NOT create jobs [VIDEO]

Hillary Clinton appeared at a Boston, MA rally for gubernatorial candidate Martha Coakley and told the accepting crowd that the…

10 years ago

Holder As a Supreme Court Justice? It Is Scary and It Is Plausible

With the resignation of Attorney General Eric Holder, unquestionably the most activist – and most divisive – attorney general in…

10 years ago

Like Them or Not, They Do Know How to Message

Depending on the programs you watch on television – or the media avenue of your choice, it is hard not…

10 years ago