
From Russia with Love: Did Putin’s “First Time” Campaign Inspire Obama’s?

Single-minded college age sluts were no doubt riveted by the vaguely homo-erotic account of a tatted tramp manlier than Justin…

12 years ago

Laughing at the Issues

RNC Web Ad: "Laughing at the Issues" (Official Version) Joe Biden may be laughing, but the American people are not!…

12 years ago

Big Bird gets his feathers ruffled over Obama’s new attack ad

Barack Obama is using Big Bird in his latest attack ad against Romney, but it looks like the big yellow…

12 years ago

Romney/Ryan Medicare Plan Would Cost Seniors $6400: Debunked

Per Politico, here’s the analysis of the latest Obama campaign attack ad towards Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan on Medicare:…

13 years ago

Obama SuperPAC Paid 169K to Promote Romney Cancer Ad Online

Monday afternoon when President Obama made a surprise visit in front of the press, he was asked about a now…

13 years ago

“Just Getting Started”: Allen West’s New Ad

In what The Blaze is calling an "epic" ad, Allen West makes it clear he's just getting started! "That's the…

13 years ago

The RNC’s Latest “Solyndra” Ad

This latest ad from the RNC treads familiar ground in calling President Obama out for the government backed loan guarantees…

13 years ago

Obama 2012 Campaign Starts With A Real Whopper

We get a quite disingenuous/dishonest/outright lying 2012 campaign advertisement from President Barack Hussein Obama, the person who said his administration…

13 years ago

Another Nail In Perry's Coffin…

I came across a Rick Perry ad today that stopped me in my tracks, and not for any of the…

13 years ago

Barack Obama's Inspiring New Video

Our president hopes to get reelected, and he hopes this stirring, new video helps. What do you guys think…

13 years ago

New Mitt Romney Ad: Vote For Me; I'm All You Got

This new "campaign ad" from Mitt Romney tells the hard truth folks. What do you think?  Has he convinced…

13 years ago

What Is Herman Cain's Campaign Smoking???

I don't know if this video is supposed to be a joke or not, but if it's real, then how…

13 years ago