Adolf Hitler

Kindred Spirits

Propaganda Masters When Conservatives hit a Left-Wing nerve, you can be sure they will use their stronghold on the media,…

3 years ago

WATCH: White House Press Secretary Gets a Bit Sideways Using Hitler Analogy

When people say "the first one to say Hitler loses" they mean it. White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer attempted…

8 years ago


The fools, libtards, who spout the "common sense gun control" mantra, have no common sense and even less intelligence!!!!! They…

9 years ago


  Barak Obama has nothing but hate and treason in him. He hates America; the freedom and prosperity it stands…

10 years ago

Obama’s Promise Zones

This is the "Fact Sheet" put out by the White House on Obama's new "initiative". Some are calling this initiative…

11 years ago

Prevention Would Have Been Better Than Trials

“Politicians brought the Nazis to power and started the war. They are the ones who brought about these disgusting crimes.”…

12 years ago

Time Person of the Year – and the winner is….

Barack Obama, of course. That could be considered a minor improvement over romanticizing the stinking, rude, and destructive masses otherwise…

12 years ago

Perversion Rampant in America: Sponsored By Obama and Congress

Can things really get any worse in our nation? Planned Parenthood, “the bastion of breast cancer screening”, is beginning their…

13 years ago

Hey Barack: What is One’s “Fair Share”?

I have heard Barack Obama’s latest campaign tactic and it set me to thinking. Obama is going to give up…

13 years ago

America: Future of Freedom or Future of Tyranny?

This is an open letter to those in America who still support, and will vote for, Barack Obama and the…

13 years ago

Paranoid Dynamics and the Political Tactics of the Left

In an Office of Strategic Services confidential memorandum from October 1943, Henry A. Murray M.D. analyzed the personality of Adolf…

13 years ago