
Tell Congress: Stop the TAFTA!

The Obama administration recently commenced (unconstitutionally, and thus illegally) negotiations with the European Union on the subject of a Trans-Atlantic…

11 years ago

Illegal Immigrants: The Real Occupy Movement Taking Over America!

  There is an occupy movement bigger than Occupy Wall Street. This movement is  more dangerous to the American culture…

12 years ago

White House Has ‘Peculiar’ Justification for Illegal Immigration

Someone in the White House is channeling John C. Calhoun. Stephen Dinan, of the Washington Times, writes the White House…

12 years ago

Large American Pork Producer Sold to Chinese

Virginia-based pork producer Smithfield Foods (SFD.N) entered an agreement with China's Shuanghui International for a $4.7 billion, all-cash buyout. Smithfield…

12 years ago

The Bugs are Back

People in the Washington, DC area like to worry. Part of it’s because leftists are required to show “concern” about…

12 years ago

Rand Loves The Drones? Not Quite…

Kentucky Senator Rand Paul has learned another key lesson of the “age of sound bytes.” During an appearance on Neil…

12 years ago

USDA wants meat origins on labels

Ever think about where the cow was born and slaughtered when you were biting into a nice, juicy burger? If…

12 years ago

Oh No! Possible Coffee Shortage!

Dateline Guatemala! President Molina-Preez ordered release of more than $14 Million to help coffee growers battle a fungus that is…

12 years ago

Drones Would Have Aided Americans in Benghazi if Cows Were Involved

  When four dying Americans in Benghazi needed fire-powered drones to take out Islamic militants firing mortars, those hovering drones…

12 years ago

Lady Tries to Buy iPads with Food Stamps

Last month was busy so I missed the story about a woman who tried to buy an iPad with her…

12 years ago

Dodging a Bullet; Congress Works to Avert Milk Spike

It appears congress may find enough votes and keep the farm bill alive for another year. Apparently, the angst caused…

12 years ago

Private Sector Ends Unwanted Alien Invasion

Prince William County, VA is suffering the ill effects of another alien invasion and a collection of politicians is engaged…

12 years ago

VOODOO Food Economics

The USDA, in trying to increase participation in the SNAP or food stamp program, claims that for every dollar transferred…

13 years ago

Weak Senate Votes Down Minimal Food Stamp Cuts

Americans are speaking out demanding that the excessive spending be stopped. But is Congress hearing? Under the Obama administration the…

13 years ago

US and China sign Agriculture Strategic Plan

The Secretary of Agriculture, Tom Vilsack signed a historic “Plan of Strategic Cooperation” with China's Minister of Agriculture, Han Changfu…

13 years ago