Al jazeera

Republicans Ask DOJ Why Qatar-Owned Al Jazeera Isn’t Registered As Foreign Agent

A group of Republican lawmakers is asking the Justice Department whether Al Jazeera Media Network should be required to register…

6 years ago

Al Jzeera + Tricks Liberal Americans Into Spreading Anti-American Propaganda, Experts Say

AJ+, an arm of Al Jazeera, is a major video creator on Facebook, making viral videos emphasizing purported racism, sexism,…

6 years ago

Al Jazeera Gets Twitter To Silence Critics Of Its Video Implying Jews Benefited From Holocaust

The Arabic network Al Jazeera posted a video that questioned the Holocaust, saying “People are divided between those who deny…

6 years ago

Al Jazeera America to go dark for good

Not even three years old, Al Jazeera America is closing its doors due to abysmally low ratings, lack of revenue…

9 years ago

How Al Jazeera sees Americans [Video]

Apparently, Al Jazeera doesn't think very highly of Americans. SHOCK, shock I say! Despite relying on an American audience in…

10 years ago

Syria: Where the war stands now

The Obama administration has stated that they will send weapons to the rebels in Syria at this point, regardless of…

12 years ago

Tonight on the Dark Side with Kira Davis

1/8/13  Political strategist and Conservative Daily News/Breitbart contributor Josh Bernstein joins me to discuss the Hagel nomination and rising anti-semitism in modern…

12 years ago