Alphonzo Rachel

PJTV: Michelle Obama Offends America by Comparing White House to Prison

Alphonzo Rachel lays it on the line about Michelle Obama, and her arrogant nonsense - claiming that being in the…

12 years ago

In honor of Flag Day – A little patriotic music

As conservatives, we're lucky to have some very talented groups and individuals in our midst. Too often, we're told that…

12 years ago

PJTV: The Government Stole Zo’s Money

Alphonzo Rachel explains clearly how the government has been stealing his money, and preventing him from giving money to charities.…

12 years ago

ZoNation: Time to expose biased professors and biased Republicans?

Alphonzo Rachel is at it again, with his latest installment of ZoNation. This time he's tackling the biased professors and…

12 years ago