
Background Checks Are Required To Buy Ammunition In California Now

Ammunition purchases in California now require a background check, according to a state law that took effect Monday. California voters…

6 years ago

How To Properly Store Ammunition

It’s always a good idea to stockpile ammo. Not because that’s what so-called ‘crazy doomsday preppers’ do, but rather, because…

7 years ago

New California Law Makes Buying Ammo A Lot Harder

  By Nick Givas California’s new restrictions on ammunition are set to take effect in January, making it harder to…

7 years ago

Why there is no .22 long rifle (22LR) ammo on the shelves

While many reports blame capacity or a conspiracy theory, the real reason that .22LR  ammo is short supply is simple…

11 years ago

Why ammo is getting so expensive

Ammo prices have skyrocketed. Not only due to extreme consumer demand and an industry ill-prepared to answer it, but also…

12 years ago

Dear President Obama- free ammo!

  Dear President Obama, I applaud that chic who testified before the world that the right to free abortion drugs…

13 years ago