Ann Coulter

Two Faced Ann Coulter – Tina Toon

The Two Faces of Ann Coulter She loves Trump. She loves Trump not. Ann needs to tone it down a…

6 years ago

Ann Coulter Lays Into Trump Over Lack Of Border Wall

Conservative political commentator and bestselling author Ann Coulter, a staunch proponent of President Donald Trump’s plan to build a wall…

6 years ago

What’s Gotten Into Ann Coulter???

I’ve been following Ann Coulter for many years now. I even met her in person once and had my picture…

7 years ago

Now A Shoelace Is Racist

Can this world get any crazier? Liberals seemingly find racism in everything from trash and craft supplies to children's books…

7 years ago

Now Candy Is Racist

Is this madness ever gonna stop? What kind of a society have we become? We know the crazy Left see’s…

8 years ago

Coulter: U.C. Berkeley canceled my speech and conservative groups ‘joined the other team’

Conservative firebrand Ann Coulter has announced the cancellation of her controversial appearance at U.C. Berkeley. "There will be no speech,"…

8 years ago

The Left Has Become So Deranged that Bernie Sanders is Now Defending Ann Coulter

The Resistance is becoming so extremely toxic that even some high profile leftists are beginning to turn against it. None…

8 years ago

Milo and Coulter take free speech fight to Berkeley

Milo Yiannopoulos and Ann Coulter are planning separate efforts to take free speech to U.C. Berkeley students and faculty whether…

8 years ago

When Disappointment Comes from The Right

As Republicans stand on the precipice of taking back the majority in the United States Senate – that is if…

11 years ago

Curing Ann Coulter’s Chicanery

Nigerian-American journalists and public commentators join issues with a challenged writer NEW YORK, Nov. 22, 2013 /Christian Newswire/ -- The…

11 years ago

Is Rush Limbaugh Afraid of Obama?

I am a loyal, and nearly every day, listener of the Rush Limbaugh Show. I have begun to wonder what…

13 years ago

Santorum’s Sweep of 3 [Non-Binding] Caucuses Proves He is the Only Conservative Running?

At least that is what the political operatives were saying last night on Fox News, especially Charles Krauthammer while he…

13 years ago

Santorum's Sweep of 3 [Non-Binding] Caucuses Proves He is the Only Conservative Running?

At least that is what the political operatives were saying last night on Fox News, especially Charles Krauthammer while he…

13 years ago

Mitchell & Ray – 2/2

When: Thursday, January 26th, 10pm Eastern/7pm Pacific Where:Streaming Internet Radio What: Join independent political commentators Michelle Ray and Rich Mitchell as they…

13 years ago

Mitchell & Ray – 2/2

When: Thursday, January 26th, 10pm Eastern/7pm Pacific Where:Streaming Internet Radio What: Join independent political commentators Michelle Ray and Rich Mitchell as they…

13 years ago