Ann Coulter

Ann Coulter Dukes It Out (Proverbially) With Joy Behar

Never one to shy away from controversy, Ann Coulter is stirring the pot yet again. While on the Hannity Show,…

13 years ago

Ann Coulter on Cain Scandal: This Is "High Tech Lynching"

Ann Coulter discusses the Herman Cain scandal, calling it a "high tech lynching".

13 years ago

Ann Coulter: "Our Blacks Are So Much Better Than Their Blacks"

Ann Coulter appearing on the Hannity Show, discussing GOP Presidential Candidate Herman Cain.

13 years ago

Dear Ann Coulter : How Are Book Sales?

Following the New Hampshire GOP debate, Ann Coulter wrote the following in a Townhall article in response to an answer by…

14 years ago

The Democratic Attack Machine

The war of 2012 (elections) is heating up already, and it is sure to be a long hot summer in…

14 years ago

CPAC11 Wrap-up and Extra Awards

    CPAC11 finished up on Saturday with some marvelous speakers and closed the conference with freshman Congressman Lt. Col. Allen…

14 years ago