Big Brother

Government Increasingly Is Asking Citizens to Turn Each Other In. Here’s Why That’s So Dangerous

In the dystopian novel 1984, the government relied on the use of telescreens and informants to enforce its massive, repressive…

3 years ago

Facebook, Their Bully Narrative, and COVID-19

LISTEN TO THE PODCAST “Facebook announced Thursday that it will start warning users if they have liked, reacted or commented…

5 years ago

Wisconsin Company Begins Microchipping Employees

It was always only a matter of time but a company has broken ground by becoming the first to implant…

8 years ago

Democrats Keep Chasing the Dragon on Trump Obstruction of Justice Charges

Never mind that a huge wing of the bogus Trump-Russia conspiracy house of cards came crashing down on Thursday when…

8 years ago

Bombshell Report Claims Obama Spied on Thousands in Election Year

A bombshell report could reveal that former president Barack Obama set new standards for abuses of power during his final…

8 years ago

Liberty, Security, Privacy, Big Brother, and the Concept of the Common Good

The outrage is palpable and the increasing realization by the average American that they really, truly are now living in…

11 years ago

Untangling the web of NSA, Snowden, and PRISM

Arguments over the value of what Edward Snowden revealed to Glenn Greenwald of The Guardian have been out there ever…

12 years ago

NSA Surveillance: Don’t Care. I’ve Got Nothing to Hide.

Julie Borowski, the Token Libertarian Girl, explores the logic of NSA Surveillance, and the ridiculous response that if one is…

12 years ago

Occupy vs. Tea Party: The Series

YES! It is finally here! A reality television show that pits two of the most visible and vociferous political grassroots…

13 years ago