Currently our democracy, our country, our way of life, all we believe and all we stand for are under attack.…
Police in Portland identified the man responsible for the brutal Attack of a truck drive Sunday night. The police are…
It’s more than a bit ironic that over the years Redskins owner Daniel Snyder’s game plan to defend the team’s…
I’ve been watching anarchy and lawlessness take control of our streets in major cities. I don’t imagine I’m alone, either.…
LISTEN TO THE PODCAST One of the tactics that Progressives enjoy using most is the tactic of redefinition. We see…
Black Lives Matter, Antifa, Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement are some, not all, of the groups involved in the rioting, looting, the…
The New York Times has a story that’s entertaining reading for conservatives. It concerns a mostly white, solidly leftist neighborhood…
LISTEN TO THE PODCAST In the beginning, back when the Framers were first debating the ground rules for the great…
2016 seemed to be the year that political correctness (PC) was allowed to accelerate faster than a fire in a…
The last few weeks have been a tough one for law enforcement officials and now they are on high alert…