the budget

This Week On The Left

Second Amendment: The Battle Rages On It's hard to believe that in 2013 there would still be an attack on…

12 years ago

How Joe Biden Spent $585,000 for One Night in Paris

Have you really thought about that? Here's how he did it. There are more stories about this than I have…

12 years ago

Is House Passed GOP Budget Hopeless?

via   On Thursday, the House passed the GOP Budget Plan, authored by Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis). It passed…

12 years ago

Dem Senators On Budget Committee Unanimously Oppose Balancing The Federal Budget

During the mark-up of what would be the first Senate budget in four years, Senate Republicans offered two separate amendments…

12 years ago

Obama: I was FOR Sequestration Before I was AGAINST it.

Remember this? In 2011 President Obama threatened to veto any attempt by Republicans to change the Sequestration cuts. But last…

12 years ago

Obama and Defense Spending

Here is a quote from Matthew Spalding, Ph.D., in a great article at The Foundry: "Military strategy should drive the…

12 years ago

A Citizen Challenge

Chances are you haven't heard (and won't hear) about this Federal report from the Liberal media. Two days ago the…

12 years ago

The Debt Ceiling, Revenue & The Progressive Overreach

Soon, President Obama will stand before the American people, at his inaugural, and take the Oath of Office. He will…

12 years ago

Abject union thuggery

We've all seen the video of the Lansing, Michigan union protests.  They're mad that Gov. Rick Snyder passed a right-to-work…

12 years ago

The Lonely Position of Neutral

I hate raising taxes.  I find high tax rates immoral.  However, we lost the election.  An increase in revenue is…

12 years ago

Welfare State Advocate Spews Inaccuracies on PBS NewsHour

The PBS NewHour has yet to invite a hard core conservative on the program to talk about the fiscal cliff. …

12 years ago

Speaker Boehner – What Are You Doing Up There?

Is it revenge of the squishy Republicans?  It sure isn't the reaffirmation of conservatism within the Republican Party.  On December…

12 years ago

A “Quick and Dirty” Look at Obama’s Tax The Rich Plan

I couldn't resist. I saw the following article and I just had to write about it:  Yes, I know that…

12 years ago

Fear Thy Primary

Sen. Saxby Chambliss has decided to part company with Grover Norquist.  In so doing, he invites a primary challenge.  Representatives…

12 years ago

Obama, GOP Throw Their Dogs In The Ring

I'm sure a lot of you exuded similar reactions to the president's laughable fiscal proposal to prevent the nation from…

12 years ago