bush tax cuts

The fiscal cliff could be the country’s cure

According to Wikipedia’s definition of the fiscal cliff Americans could suffer a little more short term pain for a lot…

12 years ago

11 Deceptions About the Tax Debate

Below are the Whitehouse.gov’s “11 Facts About the Tax Debate.”  As usual, they are out of context, disproportioned, deceptive, and…

13 years ago

Before the Dawn

A national poll showing a 59/35 percent disapproval rating demonstrates how declining confidence in American economic performance has led business…

13 years ago

Obama Tax Hike to Affect 900K Small Businesses

The White House says their tax increase will only affect the wealthiest Americans; those who can easily afford to pay…

13 years ago

The 2013 Tax Increase obama Pledged Would Never Happen

If the White House and Congress don’t act this year, a huge, unprecedented tax increase described by Ben Bernanke as…

13 years ago

Republicans Cave on Bush Tax Cut Extension, White House Wants More

Republican congressional leaders are indicating that they will allow the Bush tax cuts to be extended until the end of…

13 years ago

Years of Stimulus Fails to Create Jobs; 8 Weeks of Tax Cuts Gets it Done

Stimulus after stimulus program has been put in place by the Obama administration. Cash for clunkers, the GM/Chrysler/Union bail-outs, the…

14 years ago

Takers and Makers: Class Division as a Weapon

Those selfish rich people.  They just take and take and take.. when will they have taken enough from America?  If…

14 years ago

For Every Dollar of Tax Increases – Reagan Awaits His Just Deserts

The tax hike vs. spending debate is getting much attention in the media, but the battle is nothing new.  The…

14 years ago

John Boehner’s ‘Chicken Crap’ Congress

We've heard of lame ducks, blue dogs, elephants and donkeys in the American version of Animal Farm - Congress.  According…

14 years ago

Get ready for Obama’s Taxes

“Spectacles, testicles, watch and wallet.” – Yeah, that’s it! That’s a pretty good interpretation of the opening verse of Michelle…

14 years ago

New Video Debunks Claim that Tax Hikes are Required to Balance the Budget

First we have to deal with this absolute mis-information campaign from the White House Blog.  Where they try to show…

14 years ago

Progressive Economics – An Oxymoron

The wealthy should pay a much larger share of taxes than the poor - the election year mantra for the…

14 years ago