Campaign Ads

What Everyone Should Know Before They Vote

In this campaign ad the last four years are brought into perspective. It is a succinct graphical explanation of conservatism…

12 years ago

Pre-debate campaign ad: Truth

American Crossroads released a pre-debate campaign video highlighting some of Obama's biggest and most-consistent mis-truths. We'll probably see many of…

12 years ago

Already Has – Romney Middle Class Tax Campaign Ad

Who will raise taxes on the middle class? Obama already has:

12 years ago

No,I Can’t – Romney Campaign Ad

In Mitt Romney's new campaign video, youth voters tell Obama they didn't vote for this:

12 years ago

Nothing’s Free

Mitt Romney's new campaign ad- YouTube Description: President Obama's healthcare law has come at a high cost. Whether it is…

13 years ago

“I Just Flirted With The President of The United States of America”

The newest RNC ad, which they make perfectly clear is not a parody. This is an actual interview with President Obama. I'm…

13 years ago

We Need Mitt Romney [video]

Having been hit especially hard by President Obama's economic policy failures, members of the black community voice their desire for…

13 years ago

Because Washington Needs A Straight Shooter

Now this is the kind of campaign ad I like! Watch what this Arizona candidate does to the Obamacare bill!

13 years ago

The Road We’ve Traveled: Barack Obama’s 17 Min Hollywood Style Campaign Video

From the BarackObamaDotCom YouTube Channel: "Remember how far we've come. From Academy Award®-winning director Davis Guggenheim: "The Road We've Traveled".…

13 years ago

New Romney Ad Defends Against Bain Attacks

The Romney campaign's latest ad defends the GOP hopeful against attacks from his time at Bain Capital.

13 years ago

Another Nail In Perry's Coffin…

I came across a Rick Perry ad today that stopped me in my tracks, and not for any of the…

13 years ago