
12 Wildly Overlooked Places To Meet Eligible Conservative Men At The Holidays

Ladies, if “a single, Conservative, good man” is at the top of your wish list this holiday season, you're not…

2 years ago

The Passing of the Gatekeeper: Rush Limbaugh (1951-2021)

It is with sincere condolences that I extend my thoughts and prayers to the Limbaugh Family on the passing of…

4 years ago

The Great American Matrix

What if I told you that everything you were taught since public school was a lie?

4 years ago

After Growing in Office, He Was Too Big for His Britches

If there was ever a meeting in a church parking lot where incumbent politicians wish the state police had been…

5 years ago

The Cascade to a Conservative Civil War

The tribalism mindset brewing within the United States is progressively becoming more ingrained into everyday life, and the American people…

5 years ago

Save the Bees, Trees, and Seas, but Kill the Babies

 As the increased zealously for environmental advocacy rises, so does the staggering number of abortions. There is a solid correlation…

6 years ago

What One Man Can Teach Our Victimhood Obsessed Society

Our society has devolved into a culture where embracing a victim mentality is not just accepted, it’s promoted. The ultra-charged…

6 years ago

Mitch McConnell: How to Win Without Doing Anything

The best summary of the 2018 midterm elections came from National Review, that hotbed of Never Trumpism. David French wrote,…

6 years ago

Sen. Lindsey Graham vouches for Bob Menendez

U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-Sc) called Sen. Bob Menendez of New Jersey "an honest and trustworthy man" Thursday during the…

7 years ago

And the Progressives Laughed

Whether you believe that there were nefarious motives behind the advancement of inaccurate information about the Carson campaign by Cruz…

9 years ago

And We Sang, ‘We Won’t Get Fooled Again’

There is always an inherent danger in embracing a populist candidate for any office. Inclined to grandiose rhetoric and unfulfillable…

9 years ago

Just For The Record, I’m Liking “The Donald”

It’s too early to predict which of the many Republican candidates will survive the campaigning task that’s ahead of them,…

10 years ago

The Call of the RINO in Virginia and Mississippi

It would be a lot easier for conservatives to tolerate the sanctimony of Republicans In Name Only (RINOs) if they…

11 years ago

Eh! Who Cares About the Rules?

Have we as a nation – and more precisely, we are Conservatives, Constitutionalists, Libertarians and Republicans – completely given up…

11 years ago

The Danger of Granting Lerner Immunity

The House Oversight & Government Reform Committee has voted to advance a Contempt of Congress charge against Lois Lerner, the…

11 years ago