
Sebelius Gets Education on the Constitution but Left Might Get a Weapon

The First Amendment is bandied about more often than just about any of the others, and it got a full…

13 years ago

Dear President Obama- free ammo!

  Dear President Obama, I applaud that chic who testified before the world that the right to free abortion drugs…

13 years ago

Ask for Abortion but settle on contraception in hopes of..

The focus is clearly on whether or not Obamacare is pushing contraception for all or whether or not Republicans want…

13 years ago

Obama ‘Adjustment’ Endangers Liberty of All

In the midst of a firestorm he himself created by dictating abortion funding via private insurance on religiously affiliated organizations,…

13 years ago

Obama 'Adjustment' Endangers Liberty of All

In the midst of a firestorm he himself created by dictating abortion funding via private insurance on religiously affiliated organizations,…

13 years ago

Proving the Slippery Slope

"It's a slippery slope" - yeah .. that one. What if instead of a cliche, it were proved to exist…

13 years ago

Attorneys General letter against Obama’s Contraception Policy

Obamacare is pushing religious organizations to perform duties and tasks that are in direct contradiction to their beliefs. Three Attorneys…

13 years ago

Catholic group suing to stop Obama’s contraception regulation

Priests for Life, a New York based international pro-life organization of Catholic clergy and laity, today announced that it will…

13 years ago

Catholic group suing to stop Obama's contraception regulation

Priests for Life, a New York based international pro-life organization of Catholic clergy and laity, today announced that it will…

13 years ago

Could Obama’s “contraception requirement” be on the way out?

From the Wall Street Journal: The White House said Thursday it has no plans to reverse course on its decision…

13 years ago