
U.S. State Department calls on Russia to end occupation of Crimea

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said in a statement Wednesday that Russia had "acted in a manner unworthy of a…

7 years ago

The White House Flip Side, March 2, 2018

While we catch the most important stories coming from the White House as they happen, some minor stories and small…

7 years ago

Rebuttal of Tom Collina’s blatant lies about US nukes

Last week,the leftist Breaking Defense website published an utterly ridiculous screed by one of the most strident advocates of America's unilateral nuclear…

11 years ago

G. Murphy Donovan and the American Thinker Badmouth America, Glorify Russia, And Thus Commit Treason

Russian President Vladimir Putin and the (now-deceased) North Korean dictator Kim Jong-il. Photo by the Kremlin Press Service. The pseudoconservative…

11 years ago

Ukraine Sanctions With Teeth Instead of Gums Are Still Possible

For a very brief moment it looked like the White House and I were finally going to be in agreement…

11 years ago

What Western powers should do in response to Russia’s aggression

  The Russian aggression against Ukraine, initiated by President Vladimir Putin, has surprised many but not me, and should have…

11 years ago