
The Democratic Attack Machine

The war of 2012 (elections) is heating up already, and it is sure to be a long hot summer in…

14 years ago

FCC Gameplans to Shut Down Patriot Talk Radio

The FCC is quietly planning an all out assault on free speech and Conservative/Patriot talk radio in America. In a report…

14 years ago

Wisconsin Protests Go Nationwide: The Radical Agenda

Today we are being told that the Union protests will spread across the nation. I believe this could be the…

14 years ago

Is Obama Evil? A commentary on Obama, Communism, and our Fight for Freedom

I have written previously on the theme that Barack Hussein Obama, aka Barry Soetero, might be insane. It is a…

14 years ago

Chris Coons – The Real Nut Job in the Delaware Senate Race

Political hacks have been making much out of Christine O'Donnell's young adult activities.  I finally ran across a post at…

14 years ago

Carol Browner: Energy and Climate Change Czar

Given that, regardless of where legislation stands, the EPA has been given unprecedented power and we are therefore under constant…

15 years ago

Ron Bloom Obama’s Manufacturing Czar

Continuing our look into Obama's radical czar's we come to Ron Bloom. Ron Bloom is yet another Union shill within…

15 years ago

One Down, Thirty-One to Go

Perhaps we need to look more-closely at the remaining 31 czars. We're paying their salaries but, for many, there is…

15 years ago

Is Socialism at Hand?

Nikita Kruschev once said, "We can't expect the American People to jump from Capitalism to Communism, but we can assist…

16 years ago

The Emporer Has No Cabinet

Almost eight months into the Obama Presidency (Ten months since his election), and a substantial portion of his cabinet is…

16 years ago