
Sandra Fluke: D.A.M. Member, Political Activist, Phony Victim

The Democratic Attack Machine recently rolled out a supposed 23 year old college student named Sandra Fluke to use as an…

13 years ago

Media Matters Chief Sued by Gay Lover

Well, well, well, when people live in glass houses while making a living throwing stones, things are bound to get…

13 years ago

Gay Arizona Sheriff Caught Lovin on an Illegal?

Arizona Sheriff Paul Babeu resigned as Mitt Romney's campaign co-chairman, and also came out of the closet to admit that yes, he…

13 years ago

D.A.M. Attacks Newt As He Surges Towards the Lead in GOP Presidential Race

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich is the latest 2012 GOP Presidential candidate to come under attack from false…

13 years ago

Democratic Attack Machine Files False Ethics Charges Against Darrell Issa

As we draw nearer to the 2012 elections, we see some new and some various retreads of old front groups for the Democratic…

14 years ago