12/11/12 Suddenly the media is noticing how high real unemployment really is! Soledad O’Brien reminds Americans that we’re still a…
11/25/12 Finally, the Democrats bring race into Benghazi. Racists everywhere! And it's that time of year again: the war on…
11/18/2012 More hinjinx in the Allen West recount; Is the Tea Party damaging the GOP? Should we let taxes be…
10/14/12 CDNews contributor and Project Veritas undercover reporter Erin Haust stops by to talk about her latest bombshell video where she can…
9/30/12 Comedian Evan Sayet; Entertainment Crack-up with Louis Fowler; Economic patriotism and betraying free speech; tonight at 10pm ET, 7pm…
9/16/12 Hope & Change Productions proudly presents The Arab Spring (or How Obama Lost the East) News from the Junk…
8/26/12 The Dark Side is back after technical difficulties last week. Ms.Ruth of Misfit Politics has agreed to come back…
The awesomely intelligent and vivacious Kira Davis is away on business, so CDN blogger extraordinaire has the high honor of…
7/22/12 CDNews' Kyle Becker joins me to discuss his viral post "1001 Reasons to Vote Against Obama". Also, Colorado shootings and…
3/4/12 Tonight on the Dark Side with Kira Davis: Slugate, Flukegate, Limbaughgate... I can't wait for the day when someone…
2/21/12 Tonight on the Dark Side...Kira's in a bad mood. She wants people to start taking responsibility for themselves, their…
2/19/12 - tonight on the Dark Side we'll talk about Santorum's Michigan surge and what it means to Mitt; Black…
January 3, 2012 – Tonight on the Dark Side with Kira Davis we’ll talk Iowa caucuses and Santorum’s surge, plus…
December 18, 2011 : Tonight on the Dark Side we'll talk about.....oh heck, folks. I've been to three Christmas parties…
Tonight, December 4th 2011 Will this be the last night we ever devote to Herman Cain? Does America have Cain…