Darrell Issa

Jim Jordan, Issa Demand Transparency From IRS Over ‘Partisan’ Leak Of Tax Records

Republican Reps. Jim Jordan and Darrell Issa sent letters to Treasury Department officials Tuesday demanding answers about the IRS’s ongoing…

4 years ago

Watch: Sarah Huckabee Sanders Talks Media, Obamacare, Girl Scouts and Russia on ABC’s ‘This Week’

White House deputy press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders answered questions on Sunday about Russian contacts, Obamacare, and the White House Correspondents…

8 years ago

IRS Lerner in hot water over emails

Lois Lerner, the woman who decided to plead the Fifth in a Congressional hearing even though she was completely innocent…

12 years ago

Congressman Issa Responds To Obama’s Remarks On Benghazi Whistleblowers

Immediately after President Obama stated that he had no knowledge of efforts to block whistleblowers from telling their stories in…

12 years ago

Eric Holder Demonstrates His Contempt for Congress!

Contempt is defined as: An act of deliberate disobedience or disregard for the laws, regulations, or decorum of a public…

13 years ago

Contempt Charges To Be Brought Against Holder

Katie Pavlich, News Editor for Townhall, released today that contempt charges will be brought against Eric Holder on June 20th.…

13 years ago

Former GSA Administrator: Employees Were ENTITLED To Bonuses

H/T The Right Sphere While testifying today before the House Oversight Committee, former GSA Administrator Johnson says GSA employees were…

13 years ago

Rep. Issa: Fast and Furious Just A “Dumb Program”

In a Washington Times article on Friday, December 2, 2011, Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Ca) stated that Eric Holder did not order…

13 years ago

Holder Pens Letter to Congress : "Nothing To See Hear Folks, Just Move Along"

 Attorney General Eric Holder wrote a letter to Congress on Friday, once again denying the seriousness of the Fast and…

13 years ago

Meet the FFB: The Largest D. C. Slush Fund Ever: Part 1

Way back in 1973, Congress created another apparent political money-laundering, graft, and bribery payout-machine, (using our tax dollars) titled  The…

13 years ago

Democratic Attack Machine Files False Ethics Charges Against Darrell Issa

As we draw nearer to the 2012 elections, we see some new and some various retreads of old front groups for the Democratic…

14 years ago

Blame It On Pandora

In class a couple weeks ago, we read the myth of Pandora to the students because they showed the holy…

14 years ago

Fannie and Freddie Fatcats Still Raking in Taxpayer Dollars. $35M in Bonuses

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac executives raked in over $35 million dollars in bonuses while sucking another $153 BILLION dollars…

14 years ago

Crony-Capitalism Gone Wild !

Crony capitalism * is a term describing an allegedly capitalist economy in which success in business depends on close relationships…

14 years ago