defense spending

Why Does America Spend So Much on Israel?

With so much that must be done at home in the United States, why does America send so much of…

6 years ago

H.R. 5515 – John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019 [Full Text]

H.R. 5515   AT THE SECOND SESSION Begun and held at the City of Washington on Wednesday, the third day…

7 years ago

Watch: President Trump Signs Defense Appropriation Bill Into Law

President Trump delivers remarks at the signing ceremony for H.R. 5515, the “John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act for…

7 years ago

Commercial aerospace spending declines, while defense speeds ahead

Global defense subsector grew by 3.9 percent to $361.5 billion in 2017 with military spending continuing to rise across the…

7 years ago

What’s in the budget bill that President Trump just signed

President Donald Trump signed a new budget bill, H.R. 1892, into law on Friday that pushes most of the difficult…

7 years ago

Engaging Young Voters on Defense Issues

                    A study released recently by the national leaders of Young…

12 years ago

Myth: “Republicans also support Big Government – in defense spending”

There is currently a myth being spread across America that Republicans also support Big Government, in the form of generous…

12 years ago

Most Americans OPPOSE defense spending cuts

Another leftist myth has been debunked and shown to be a farce: the myth that a majority of Americans support…

12 years ago

Why deep defense cuts MUST be avoided at all costs

I could just as well title this article "why defense must always be fully funded" or "why America must always…

12 years ago

Rebuttal of de Rugy’s and Winslow Wheeler’s blatant lies about defense spending

In times of universal deceit, telling the truth will be a revolutionary act. – George Orwell Anti-defense organizations such as…

12 years ago

Rebuttal of Rand Paul’s blatant lies about defense spending

Last night, in his response to President Obama's SOTU speech, Rand Paul, as usual, directed most of his arrows not…

12 years ago

Rebuttal of Sen. Coburn’s defense cuts proposals

Among the deepest, and most destructive, proposals of defense cuts made in recent years are those made by Sen. Tom…

12 years ago

Ron Paul Discusses The Difference Between "Defense" Spending And "Military" Spending

Last night, in Myrtle Beach, at the Fox News Republican Debate, Ron Paul reiterated some of his thoughts on foreign…

13 years ago

Entitlements, not military spending is the reason behind our enormous debt!

Contrary to popular opinion, the enormous national debt crisis we find ourselves in is not due to an escalation in…

13 years ago

Senator John McCain Blasts Big Government Grifters Taxpayer Abuse

A grifter is defined by as a: someone who swindles you through deception or fraud, and b: a grifter…

13 years ago