defense spending

A Better Way To Cut The Deficit

The Congressional Supercommittee has failed to come up with a deficit reduction plan. Personally, I'm thankful for that, since the…

13 years ago

The Super Committee Fails – Medicare and Defense to Suffer

Heartache and disappointment were thick throughout twitter, facebook and the comments on articles across the internet on the news that…

13 years ago

July Durable Goods Orders Come in Better Than Expected

New orders for manufactured durable goods in July increased $7.7 billion or 4.0 percent to $201.5 billion, the U.S. Census…

14 years ago

The Debt Ceiling Deal, the “Trigger,” and Defense Budget Cuts

The Debt Ceiling Deal, the "Trigger," and Defense Budget Cuts The Deal The "Debt Ceiling Deal," a compromise negotiated by…

14 years ago

Boehner Releases Framework of Debt Ceiling Deal

On Sunday night, Obama announced that a deal on the debt ceiling had been reached. While House minority leader Nancy…

14 years ago