Devin Nunes

Obama Mysteriously Flees to Remote South Pacific Island

Editors Note: This article was originally posted on March 26th, 2017 and updated today. In a peculiar turn of events,…

8 years ago

Who’s up for 8 hours of Susan Rice pleading the 5th at a congressional hearing?

Oh my .. the same top Obama official that went on news shows after Benghazi and falsely claimed that it…

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Russians, Nunes and other shiny things…

The House investigation into allegations that Donald Trump asked President Putin to interfere in the 2016 election has been rendered…

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Democrat Chief Inquisitor Adam Schiff Suggests that Devin Nunes is Trump’s Puppet

Congressman Devin Nunes announced that the Obama regime may have abused domestic surveillance programs for political purposes and Democrats are…

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Biased ABC News story on Russia gets blasted by Trump

ABC News struck back at the revelation, brought out by House Intelligence chair Rep. Devin Nunes Wednesday, that Trump's communications…

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House Intel Chief: ‘Inappropriate’ and ‘Wrong’ Surveillance of Trump and Associates

Representative Devin Nunes requested a meeting Wednesday with President Trump to brief the commander-in-chief on the "inappropriate" collection of Trump…

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Watch : FBI Director Comey and NSA Director Rogers Congressional Hearing on Russian Activities

FBI Director James Comey and NSA Director Mike Rogers testify to Congress on intelligence matters involving the President's associates, Russia…

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