
FDA: Premium Dog Foods May Be Linked To Canine Heart Disease

Some premium dog food brands may present a higher risk of heart disease for some dogs, according to the U.S.…

6 years ago

FDA: Bones, Bone Treats Could Kill Your Dog

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a warning saying that "bone treats" pose a choking threat to dogs.…

7 years ago

Hilarious Jack Russell Goes Crazy with Excitement at Competition

Little Olly the Jack Russell Terrier goes off script in the Rescue Dog Agility at Crufts 2017!

8 years ago

Adult Beagles See Sun and Grass for the First Time

After a life in a Government Testing Laboratory, these beagles see the sun and feel the grass under their feet…

11 years ago

For those who’ve seen too much

This is a very intense 36 seconds, but it is well worth the watch! H/T The I Love Dogs Site...…

11 years ago

They say humanity has gone to the dogs

** Warning: Some may find this video too difficult to watch due to the brutal content. ** Oh, that humanity would…

12 years ago

Dogs Against Obama

Hmmmm..... according to the comments, dogs don't taste like chicken!

13 years ago

Christianity Split; Dogs and Rocks Caught in Cross-Fire

It is nearly impossible to expect even the best of friends to agree on everything. Actually, some of the most…

14 years ago

Fight or Flee

One cool, still, dark morning I went out for a little jog. Being outdoors before the sun rises and most…

14 years ago

This Is For The Birds!

Have you ever had "one of those days?"  You know the ones I'm talking about! To quote the Bryan White…

14 years ago

Progressives Push To Require .. DOG INSURANCE

There is no other phrase for this liberal mess-of-a-proposal other than "WTF, Over?" State Rep. Ruth Jones McClendon (D-San Antonio)…

14 years ago