Dylann Storm Roof

My Thoughts On The South Carolina Shooting!

Obama and Hillary wasted no time and raced too soon to use this episode to denounceĀ gun violence. More people are…

10 years ago

What the Heck Happened This Week (WTH Weekly) – 6-19-15

Lying former anchorman of NBC Nightly News, Brian Williams, found a home at MSNBC. In other news: MSNBC's credibility as…

10 years ago

First Video of SC Prayer Group Killer

Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.com The 21 year old man accused of killing 9 people was arrested today. Now,…

10 years ago

Obama Visibly Irritated – Unable to Use SC Murders to Reign in Gun Rights

In a Thursday afternoon press conference, President Obama displayed extreme irritation that he will be unable to use the South…

10 years ago