
Humans Have Broken Evolution, Here’s How… [video]

Humans, through civilization and urbanity, have killed the evolutionary progress of the human genome. https://youtu.be/d2AgV_6HkDI

8 years ago

Nye/Ham debate Evolution Vs. Creation on CNN Feb 4

An epic debate on the worldviews of Evolution vs. Creation takes place Feb. 4 between popular TV star Bill Nye…

11 years ago

White House Petition Calls for Ban on Creation Science, Intelligent Design Education in Schools

Wynton Hall of Breitbart's Big Government website wrote a short piece that I think deserves attention and further discussion. In…

12 years ago

Liberals Won’t be Happy until all talk of Special Creation in Classrooms is Dead

by Jeremy Griffith crossposted from AmericanMillenniumOnline.com Glenn Beck and Company have been talking at length recently about the dangerous takeover…

12 years ago

The Swindlers: How Four Vain Philosophies Threaten American Liberty.

“The ‘Art of War’ is painted with a Philosophers   pen.”-Unknown This is a brief study of the religious, and…

13 years ago

Be Careful Who or What You Allow to Move You!

I read an article last week by Thomas Sowell which related to a day in Barack Obama’s not too distant…

14 years ago