George Stephanopoulos

George Stephanopoulos…Secretary of Dumpster FiresGeorge Stephanopoulos…Secretary of Dumpster Fires

George Stephanopoulos…Secretary of Dumpster Fires

The way the Biden Administration uses George Stephanopoulos to patch their public perception, the Senate may need to confirm him…

3 years ago

Watch: Sarah Huckabee Sanders Talks Media, Obamacare, Girl Scouts and Russia on ABC’s ‘This Week’

White House deputy press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders answered questions on Sunday about Russian contacts, Obamacare, and the White House Correspondents…

8 years ago

Media Bias: Clinton night off = Good; Trump side trip for hotel opening = bad [video]

The media slammed Donald Trump and praised Hillary Clinton as Mrs. Clinton spent the entire evening at an Adele concert…

8 years ago

Even Former Clinton Operative Stephanopoulos Doesn’t Buy Jack Lew’s Spin

In the aftermath of the Supreme Court decision that upheld the Affordable Care Act as constitutional under the taxing powers…

13 years ago
Ask for Abortion but settle on contraception in hopes of..Ask for Abortion but settle on contraception in hopes of..

Ask for Abortion but settle on contraception in hopes of..

The focus is clearly on whether or not Obamacare is pushing contraception for all or whether or not Republicans want…

13 years ago
ABC New Hampshire GOP Debate: Worst. Debate. Ever.ABC New Hampshire GOP Debate: Worst. Debate. Ever.

ABC New Hampshire GOP Debate: Worst. Debate. Ever.

Saturday night’s Republican debate has to go down as one of the worst debates of the year, and maybe even…

13 years ago
Diane Sawyer Impressed by Iowa Hicks and Their Book-learnin' : Debate RecapDiane Sawyer Impressed by Iowa Hicks and Their Book-learnin' : Debate Recap

Diane Sawyer Impressed by Iowa Hicks and Their Book-learnin' : Debate Recap

ABC held yet another Republican debate at Drake University in Iowa Saturday.  Diane Sawyer moderated along with George Steph..... oh…

13 years ago

Stephanopoulos The Mobster’s Veiled Threat To Michele Bachmann

I want to know where George Stephanopoulos was during the 2008 Presidential election cycle! If he would have been throwing…

14 years ago