George Washington

George Washington: America’s Most Indispensable Veteran

To honor America’s vision along with those who served to protect it, we should remember how that vision was put…

3 years ago

George Washington’s Thanksgiving Prayer – Ben Garrison

George Washington’s Thanksgiving Proclamation By the President of the United States of America, a Proclamation. Whereas it is the duty…

5 years ago

What Made George Washington Great?

There would have never been a United States of America without George Washington. John Rhodehamel, author of "George Washington: The…

6 years ago

John Cornyn and NRA Betray Constitution

The 2nd Amendment of our founding document, the Constitution of the United States of America, states: "A well-regulated Militia, being…

10 years ago

In God America Must Trust

Once upon a time, in what now seems like a far-distant land, a young President inspired America with the words:…

13 years ago

Perversion Rampant in America: Sponsored By Obama and Congress

Can things really get any worse in our nation? Planned Parenthood, “the bastion of breast cancer screening”, is beginning their…

13 years ago

Media Bias and Cover-up

Why are the main stream media, and even “conservative” media, ignoring the story about John Dummett and the Liberty Legal…

13 years ago

Happy Thanksgiving from CDN and George Washington

It is very easy to get caught up in the travesties of justice, mocking of our nation and insults to…

13 years ago

America: At a Moral Crossroad

We have a major moral issue brewing in America today. The issue is that the vast majority of people considered…

14 years ago

Help Wanted: Conservative Statesmen

The Tea Party is getting larger and stronger all the time. It is now a force to be reckoned with…

14 years ago

Is Obama Evil? A commentary on Obama, Communism, and our Fight for Freedom

I have written previously on the theme that Barack Hussein Obama, aka Barry Soetero, might be insane. It is a…

14 years ago

America’s New Independence Day

November 2nd, 2010 will forever be remembered as a new Independence Day. It will be the day honoring the masses…

14 years ago