Ground Zero

9/11 Rememberence [Live Streams]

Throughout the morning live streams will cover the 9/11 rememberence at Ground Zero in New York City, at the Pentagon…

13 years ago

9/11 As it Happened

Coverage from several news agencies as the attacks on the World Trade Center happend on 9/11/01.

13 years ago

Prayer Permeates 9/11 Ground Zero Remembrance, Despite Mayor Bloomberg Ban

WASHINGTON, Sept. 12, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Jay Sekulow, Chief Counsel of the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), said today the fact…

14 years ago

The ObaMartini: Made from Absolut Zero

Barack Obama is coming to Ground Zero – which is appropriate given his well-earned moniker – Zero. It isn’t by…

14 years ago

George Bush Takes High Road on Obama’s Attempt to Politicize Osama’s Death

Unconfirmed reports say that the White House invited former President George W. Bush to ground zero with President Obama in…

14 years ago

Koran Burning Gone Wild

Days ago, Terry Jones said he would host a Koran burning party on 9-11.  Then he changed his mind, then…

15 years ago

Pastor rules out Koran burning ‘for now’

From The Telegraph in the UK Terry Jones, a radical evangelist preacher, said the book burning was off while he…

15 years ago

Franking Privileges

Hey, Barry! Does your Beano Cook? Huh? You don’t understand the question? Well, let me put it to you another…

15 years ago

The Ground Zero Mosque Organization: a Twitter Interview

Today on twitter I asked the Ground Zero Mosque Organization, @Park51,  a simple question. I did not recieve a simple…

15 years ago

George W. Bush delivers rousing bullhorn speech after 9/11 [Video and Transcript]

President George W. Bush: Bullhorn Speech to Emergency Rescue Workers at 9/11 Ground Zero, New York. Delivered 14 September 2001.…

24 years ago