hate speech

Facebook ‘Hate Speech’ Algorithm Found 90% of Hate Speech Directed at White People

Last week, the Washington Post reported that an April 2020 examination of Facebook’s anti-racism algorithm found that roughly 90 percent…

3 years ago

Former Journalist Advocates Changes to the First Amendment

The former editor of “Time” wrote an op-ed in The Washington Post Tuesday making an argument for why the First…

5 years ago

Survey: Americans despise fake news more than hate speech

A new survey released Thursday revealed that Americans consider fake news more objectionable than hate speech on social media, though both…

7 years ago

Pastor James McConnell’s Full Length “Controversial” Sermon On Islam

Pastor James McConnell is a Belfast, Ireland pastor who came under fire and police scrutiny earlier this year for daring…

10 years ago

The Unbridled Hate of Hate Speech Laws

“I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” This quote,…

11 years ago

Media Deception and Brainwashing Techniques Working Well

I ran across an article by Ben Kinchlow in a World Net Daily “Commentary” column  a few days ago, and…

13 years ago